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Tank no. 2 Ideas?


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Very low tech, 2ft tank with sand/"fruit salad" substrate, 1 vallisneria plant, a few rocks for decor.

What can I put in it? Has no lid so nothing with a tendency to jump, although Hopefully it will end up covered in vall and/or duckweed. Not much shelter so nothing timid, and I would like it to be... something nice/odd.

I am considering pearl gouramis If I don't get any ideas.

Any ideas??

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If I were you, I'd ditch the fruit salad gravel and go to the nearest beach and get some clean sand. Beach sand has ground-up shell in it, which provides your plants with magnesium and calcium. The best part about it though is that it's free and you can take as much as you want! CO2 is a good idea too, and DIY would work very well for a tank that size. Fish - well, maybe not Pearl Gouramis, they might jump. The only reason I think so is they are an anabantoid, and I had a fighter which jumped through a tiny gap once. I would be thinking more along the lines of small tetras, small loaches (Zodiac and/or Khuli loaches), or a large school of Mossie rasboras and some Emerald Dwarf Danios. A pair Apistogrammas and/or Rams is a must. Some more plants other than val would look good too. Small bits of bogwood are a must because they soften the water which the fish love (unless your getting hardwater fish).

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one shoal of something colourful and small maybe?

the cardinals I had enjoyed the val, it gets high enough to give them cover to the top of the tank so they aren't so scaredy at feeding time.

otos also like the val, they sit on it in the current. a school of oto might be interesting but they are a bit expensive for that

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My dwarf Gourami jump.. they jump up at my hand and also spit at it when they think i'm going to feed them. Pearl gourami might be similar.

I like the idea of a school of something and then maybe a couple of bottom dwellers.. kuhlis and a small fancy plec maybe.

It's what I would do if I had another tank.. I don't have enough tanks to have a school of something! Nearest is my group of Guppies in my community tank.

It's really fun to plan and set up a new tank.. good luck, I'm sure you'll find just the right mix that you're happy with.

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Joe, thanks for the info, but as I said, Very low tech and I want to keep it that way.

I've already got my 4ft planted tank with discus, cories, ottos, dwarf cichlids neons etc etc.

I'm Looking for something different that I haven't had before and would also like to keep the tank pretty bare.

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Joe, thanks for the info, but as I said, Very low tech and I want to keep it that way.

I've already got my 4ft planted tank with discus, cories, ottos, dwarf cichlids neons etc etc.

I'm Looking for something different that I haven't had before and would also like to keep the tank pretty bare.

A single male fighter, and a school of something small and pretty?

I got a fighter of Adodge a wee while ago, and he has the most amazing colours, and has a wicked character. He plays hide and go seek with me, and will come and eat flake from my hands now. Just an idea.

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All I know is that they grow to a max of 25-30cm, get very old, are escape artists nocturnal, pretty shy but can become accustomed to their surroundings, carnivores, get on fine together, no breeding recorded in captivity yet.

2 would fit in the tank for a reasonable amount of time, I'd put some oak leaves in the tank once I get them get a small internal filter and get a lid made.

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There was a great article about a blackwater biotope in PFK magazine a while back. It was only a 2' tank, but it was set up with twisty driftwood, sand substrate, a few small plants and leaf litter on the floor, they had a school of cardinals, and maybe a few ottos and it looked great!

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