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Input required with Aquarium web page project!!!!


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Hi there guys

My good friend Keegan and I (Students in the I.T. degree at Wintec) are creating an ecomerce type web page for the gold fish bowl aquarium store. We are going to have all products and fish on the web site and allow customers to place orders in a shopping cart.

We also plan to design a fish compatibility program and a tank dimension program for new fish owners. This is the very beggining and obviously we will be developing far more but were hoping to have input from the clientel that is most likely to use it YOU GUYS!

If you could note down sudgestions and ideas that you have always thought would be good on a web page.

I know that I have had trouble finding links to specific info and acurate information.

Your help would be great.

And in four months time you guys are going to be our test audience.

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Personally I like clear and concise, basic, pages that load fast and aren't full of flashing gimmicks.

Try looking at similar sites to the one you want to design and see what you like, or don't like, about how they have done theirs.

KISS :bounce:

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Not too many click throughs to get to what you want - there are a few out there where the navigation gets you so frustrated that you just give up.

When I click on fish tanks, that is what I want to see - not a list of options - pictures maybe of types, and not just by brand either.

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