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Apisto. agassizi var. Double Red spawn


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For all you pot bashers who don't like my purposefully built pots. beautiful non conventional pots.. mmmmm .. pots! :evil: :lol:

The wooing process-



Then this evening I found the male hiding, clearly being beaten up by the terrible woman fish.


I don't normally like artificially raising babies, but ill do it for the first 2 batches.

This batch is spoken for; for the time being.

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Awesome pics they are looking good..

I love the confidence too, good luck with raising them, I managed to artificially hatch a batch or 2 when I had some but had no luck raising the fry, think my water was all wrong or something like that..

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Yes great job job getting the eggs. Look forward to seeing how these go.

Agassizi eggs are one of the toughest to hatch I have tried and I only ended up with about 20 grow past a month old.

Watch the female attacks, she will get nasty.

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Watch the female attacks, she will get nasty.

Tell me about it :o

you were 100% correct. I saw the male cowering in the corner and that's when i realised there are probably eggs in the tank. female was (still is) exceptionally yellow.

She is going to get evicted today. That poor male looks like he has just about had it.

I have a new female arriving today so she can go with the male now.

I also have to look at getting those net type guppy breeders. The really old ones that are quite large. Haven't seen them at animates but ill have another look today.

I think they were made my marina. know which ones im talking about?

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So I got the new female and 2 of those net fry separators. The battered male is in the separator in the fry tank, and the extra male and the new female are now in the tank with the pots in it. the old female that laid the eggs above is back in the main tank.

The new female looks quite different to the old female, so maybe that's a good thing.

Pics of the setup -


New male


New female


Bottom fry grow out / hatching (fingers crossed) :lol: tank with net breeder with old battered male healing.

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I think I know the type you are talking about. I think I have one of them. They are like twice as big as a regular net breeder? I got mine off trademe a while back...

Congrats on the spawn!!!

I also have to look at getting those net type guppy breeders. The really old ones that are quite large. Haven't seen them at animates but ill have another look today.

I think they were made my marina. know which ones im talking about?

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I put some discus wrigglers in that tank too so that the baby fish would gather together

I ahve about 10-12 free swimming and eating fry that swim and bob around (hop) around the place with the mother. then she picks them up and puts them in a pot when she wants to.

Does the mum agassizi take care of the discus fry as well?

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