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Green water...any tips on how to speed up the process?

Insect Direct

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Just curious if anyone has a good way to speed up making green water?

Adding nutrients maybe? Ive still got the main ingredients used for pmdd here somewhere....

Ive got plenty of light, air bubbles and warm water. Been feeding a little bit of fish food and its been a few days and the water still looks clear as :-? maybe im just impatient?

Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks, i totally forgot about turtle ponds :oops: that water has a nice green tinge to it already :D

Am i correct to assume you dont want any daphnia in the water?

Ive used water from a trough (and tap to top up) that has a couple of stray tadpoles in, the water in trough was slightly green so thought that would of seeded it. Shouldnt have had any daphnia in it as i assume the tadpoles would have eaten them long ago. But doesnt seem to have worked as the culture is nice and clear now :-? Ill try the turtle pond water.

What about a few snails? they should be ok eh?

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  • 1 month later...

hhmmmm water was green but wasnt getting soupy like i wanted. turned bubbles off, let settle. look closely....daphnia lapping it up. :roll:

fail. im not sure how they got in but it doesnt surprise me.

since got 4 goldfish from animates. theyve neally eaten all the daphnia

think ill leave the fish in and just over feed, which in thoery feeds the green water. just hope the fish dont eat too much of the green water :-? .

i was originally going to use nutrients and no fish but daphnia defeated that.

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