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Daltons aquatic mix - first time user


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I have a new 60 X30X30 project, am planning on trying to grow mainly grassy types of plants. I read some ppl on here used Daltons aquatic mix under fine gravel so went and bought some today.

Well, I put it in, and put the fine gravel over the top, added about 5cm of water..... and now my tank is mud :cry:

What did I do wrong? I am thinking I need to take everything out, wash the Daltons off the gravel and start again.... or shall I just get more gravel to put on top, siphon out the water, refill and siphon out until clear.

any suggestions?

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And put a plate or piece of plastic over the gravel before you add more water so that the gravel is not displaced - actually, I have used a large plastic bag to cover the gravel which worked quite well, but something solid like a plate is better if you are using the bucket filling method.

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i did my tank with a layer about 3cm aquatic mix, then a little bit of left over silicone sand (only a very thin layer that bearly covered the aquatic mix, then i put on about 4cm of fine gravel. i used some brown fine 2-3mm gravel from hollywoods. and defenatly pour the pucket of water onto a plate, slowly as you dont want to disturb the gravel too much and churn up the aquatic mix.

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Be kind, am just beginning at this :oops: . The hairgrass is not easy to plant!


have hairgrass, a few sagittaria, some indian fern and ambulia up the back (cos I already had some ;))

I hope I have enough light to keep the hairgrass growing, it is a 20W powerglo on 60x 30 x 30 tank.

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we are being nice, just photos are pritty to look at. and well done it looks nice, can i suggest that you move the heater to the left so that it sits behind the ambulia and will be hidden, will make the tank look even better

and raise the water level before pheonex44 sees it.. lol

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pity about the water level though.... :lol:


I guess I *could* put some more water in.... I only fill my coffee cup 3/4 full as well tho so it goes against my natural instinct :lol:

yeah, that heater is a bit too big for that tank anyway. Looking at getting a jager heater, can they go vertically?

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