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Hi all,

Been lurking here for quite a few months now so thought i should introduce myself!

Use to keep fish & axolotls from about 10 to 15 years of age then stopped the hobby for some reason.

Back in to it now 10 years later with a Jebo R338 "bathroom" tank! Brought the tank second hand and i must say its a nice little tank (all 40 litres of it!) and makes a nice feature to my bathroom!!

At the moment its home to 4 crazy Zebra Danios, 2 Peppered Corys & 1 Orange-ish Dwarf Gourami

Plants are Java Fern, Indian Fern and some grass type plant

Is it me or has the price of buying fish gone up over the years! (geez that made me sound old but im only 25!!)

Although, it seems tanks and equipment etc have become more widely available and cheaper?

Anyway, would love to upgrade to a bigger tank sometime once i have the space/funds!

Will put up some pics at some stage, never realised how hard it it is to take some decent pics with a digi cam!

I guess the main feature is the bog wood. Its almost tree root looking and was slightly hollow in the inside so i drilled holes in it from the sides and the Danios love zooming through them and playing chase with each other!!

Next plans are to create a moss wall!!



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