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Plants suitable for Malawis


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Depends also what the Africans are.

Mbunas are as likely to dig up as much as eat.

Your GBAS might like the new growth on Anubias.

I haven't had too much problems with haps/peacocks eating plants, or Dems and yellows as per P44.

I agree it is worth getting something like Java fern and some Anubias, even some Val to give a try.

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Anubias, Java fern and Java fern varieties (Windelov, Narrow Leaf ect.) would be great because they are tough. Don't use Bolbitis heudelotii (Congo Fern) because although tough, it requires soft water, fertilizers and CO2 injection. Water in Malawi tanks isn't soft because they need hard water, and that can kill Bolbitis from what I've read.

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My Bolbitis and plants in general are doing ok in my dwarf african tank.

Anubias, Java fern and Java fern varieties (Windelov, Narrow Leaf ect.) would be great because they are tough.

Very correct here. I brought one or two of each species and assessed how they went. Proved to be very happy. I wouldn't mind finding more narrow leaf at a decent price, it is a beautiful plant. *hint, hint A-town, if you read this do you have some available?*

My Africans don't seem that interested in the greenery.

I have:

Pseudotropheus demasoni

Julidochromis marlieri

Altolamprologus calvus (Yellow)

Aulonocara baenschi

and some of ryan's new babies if I can get my calvus to breed.

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yeah. :oops:

That was a present for my clown loaches.

Apple snails can and will eat any and all plant matter.

I miss the african tank. :o

LOL I need some clown loaches then, shame the kids love those blardy snails so much! They keep laying eggs but pretty sure they are infertile anyway (eggs still pink after 3 wks). Plastic plants it is then *sigh* .... messy plant eating snails grumble grumble

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