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Say NO!! to FISH VIAGRA!! EBJD is dead


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Fish Viagra" product i got from Patrick at Fish pogolda!

Name : Bio Pet" fertility)

Pactrick told me that when I dose this solution into tank the fish would go crazy "BANG BANG" on each other! So i give it a try! :lol:

He also advise me mot to use it on my self! :lol: :lol:

In 1.2m tank using divider

I had 1 male EBJDx GBJD ,.1 Female EBJDxGBJD

the first day dose was ok! the fish seem ok(normal)

last night be before dinner I did second dose, before bed time take a looked

my male EBJD was hanging lose! :cry::cry:

Quick death!

checking water nitrate, pH,etc.. was ok!

all other fish in tank looked ok!

stay up 12am 50% water change!

Dam it! it must be the Viagra!

flash back, I think i must of prour the dilute solution too close the male EBJD! :roll:

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thats what you can get when you play with nature

if it was a breeding EBJD why dose it?

I work hard to try breeding the EBJD,

I had try every trick in the book!

"Mirror Flash back"

“dither fish.”

Increase Temp"

Incease more female

Live food

2 month on going down the track no action!

no patients!

Viagra can kill!! :evil:

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Sorry for your loss Jaxxnz.

2 month on going down the track no action! no patients!

Patience is an important quality, especially in this hobby :wink: Nature knows best and when Man interferes it often ends in heart ache.

Good on you for posting a warning to the rest of us :hail:

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EBJD are very sensitive fish at the best of times, probably as a result of their genetic make up.

The percentage of sterile EBJD's and decendants is high for the same reason.

I almost lost one when doing a low dose prazi in it's tank. Just lucky that I give a 'test' and not normal dose.

Experience has taught me to tread carefully when covering new territory.

Something for EBJD keepers -and other fish where man has already played a big part of their existence- to keep in mind.

Sorry for you loss Jaxxnz.

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Sorry for your loss :(

Unfortunately when we start meddling with things it can start to go wrong the more you meddle the worse it gets.. If I had a dollar for every fish I have had for 2months and not had them breed then I would be rich by now :) I find the best thing to do when they wont breed is stick them in a tank out of the way somewhere and forget about them chances are when you do that and stop putting so much effort into them you will look in and find they are breeding for you.

Unfortunately as firenz has alluded to there maybe other factors at play here with these fish not being entirely natural and quite inbred there may be fertility issues.

On a side note do you have any idea what the "ingredients" were in this viagra you tried?

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EBJD are very sensitive fish at the best of times, probably as a result of their genetic make up.

The percentage of sterile EBJD's and decendants is high for the same reason.

Thanks guys for your post,

Iam alright, it just when losing something precious it make you feel like throwing down the towel!

this is agood experiences for me but a big lose to gain these experience.. :oops:

I hope keeper learn from this as well, over kill your tank fansci chemical can cause damage to your pets.

What more "heart breaking" is what the wife said= "Its only a fish!!"

Dam it!! that really hurt"

I guesss most anti-fish fans would thinking same! :evil:

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