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rules of fnzas?? (help caryl ,lol)


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hey what are the rules of warning people about a certain buyer on the auction site?

theres someone on there that when delivering a load of fish i found ALOT of animals in REALLY bad condition and was thinking for the safety of future fish (i didnt leave mine behind)

maybe it might be good to not alow this bidder to win auctions??

I dont want to start trouble,i feel really bad for this person but the individual is really unwell themselves and i dont think is physically able to look after so many animals

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Trade me is not interested in anything other than their profit.

There have been several complaints about wrongly ID fish and they simply dont care one hoot

People that buy from them must therefore have the attitude of buyer beware

Simply put, if you buy of TM then your a mug. Yes, a lot do know what they are doing but you wont know untill things go wrong so only you can decide if the risk is worth while or not. To me it is definately not worth while, I will support the LFS

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I assume you mean the Trademe site and not our PT&E?

Either way, it is not our business and we do not condone "name and shame" type things. As said, better to approach ther person involved and offer help, rather than criticising them somewhere, especially as they have no way of knowing, or defending themselves.

We are a site to help fellow fish hobbyists, not the animal police.

If you feel unable to talk to them directly then call the SPCA. You might also contact Trademe and let them know you are concerned about the state of their animals but, unless they are selling them on their site, I doubt they would be interested.

You also have no idea why they currently have a lot of animals "in poor condition". They may have removed them from elsewhere ready to nurse them back to health.

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have we missed the point here? Seems to me xxdarnixx was only asking if it was ok to warn forum members about someone on TM....

nah we haven't, we are saying its a better option to fix the problem rather than just telling everyone there is one & avoid it. :)

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If you sell livestock, you will always run the risk that they will go to a bad home. Even if you visit people at their home (as some people do before selling puppies, for example), there is only so much you can find out, so you are always taking a risk by selling to strangers. Just because you have found one person who doesn't seem able to care for their pets, doesn't mean any other buyers will be any better.

However, if you feel that an animal's well-being is being compromised, I think you have a moral obligation to inform the SPCA. That way, it becomes their responsibility to follow it up and decide on a course of action.

If it is someone you know, then of course talk to them about it, and help if you can, but I got the impression you just met this person when you went to deliver some fish. In that instance, I don't think it is your business to directly interfere in their life - leave it to the SPCA.

Someone has to speak up for those who have no voices...

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ok ill try and answer all the different sides here

1. im not trying to name and shame,just to protect potential sellers from turning up and getting the abuse i did

2.idid ask the person if she had done research into looking after her CURRENT fish and that i wasnt comfortable leaving the fish she had asked for BUT i was happy to help her clean her tanks out and swap some breeds around so they werent in such cramped tanks,i got abused.

3. i then asked the person if i could help to rearrange some of the bird outside (around 30 per cage) and try and set up some of the spare cages to house some birds so they werent so cramped....i got abused

4. i told the person if they where looking at getting rid of any animals i could help trying to find homes as the person is on oxygen and could hardly make coffee let alone clean 20+ feces encrusted cages....more abuse so i left WITH my fish.

5.yes i contacted spca,phone call wasnt answered so i sent an email,only saying that there was a person over in ................... and would they please go check out the condition of the animals as it was my opinon that there where too many for the person to cope with (i didnt say they are neglected,scrawny messes)

i never heard back from them!!!

and now the woman tried phoning and asking for more fish which i said i had 'run out'

but as i see she is still looking for more i thought i might warn some people to maybe avoid the buyer??

i have tried other channels but im not getting much success

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oh and yes mystic i mentioned this site and was told that the person didnt have time to play around on computers like i obviously did :roll:

i am honestly just trying to help and not cause problems,it a tricky situation and i would be happy to help if they wanted it but they dont

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You have obviously tried to do the right thing and are to be congratulated.

Unfortunately there are people out there that think of themselves as animal lovers but cause more problems than they solve. I think all you can do is keep plugging away at the SPCA as they are the only ones able to do anything about it. It may involve going in to their office and talking to them personally.

I have dealt with people like this who accumulated the local stray cats but couldn't feed them or look after them. We used to thin them out once a year with the SPCA and they were in that poorer condition they had to be put down.

The joys of dealing with the public.

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oh and yes mystic i mentioned this site and was told that the person didnt have time to play around on computers like i obviously did :roll:

i am honestly just trying to help and not cause problems,it a tricky situation and i would be happy to help if they wanted it but they dont

They don't have time to play in computers yet they paly on Trade Me??? Good on you for caring and going the extra mile to try and help this person and the animals, as you say not an easy situation or topic to talk to someone about.

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If it is OK (and often encouraged) to dig foul manure into your veggie garden it would be a bit difficult to say that bird manure confined in a bird aviary is a health hazard.

if you dig in manure it is covered with soil and therefore the bugs (bacteria, fungus, invertabrae and insects) will take care of it, if the cage/aviary is dirty/piled up it can be a health hazard, spreading of disease, fungus/spores which you can breath in and will increase disease pressure for the surrounding environment

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One person's waste is anothers fertilizer.

Having spent most of my working life dealing with "health hazards," I can assure that there is no such thing in law. There are nuisances persuant to section 29 of the Health Act and there are similar offences under the Resource Management Act. If you have ever been in a poultry farm where they grow fresh eggs by the old less mechanised method you will see droppings piled under the cages up to half a metre high and this is part of the management regime and not a problem. There is a parasitic wasp that controls the poultry flies that breed in it but poultry flies do not invade the house like house flies. I would hate to count the number of complaints of "Health Hazards" I have dealt with that were actually a situation where someone didn't like the neighbours life style or the look of a situation.

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If it is OK (and often encouraged) to dig foul manure into your veggy garden it would be a bit difficult to say that bird manure confined in a bird aviary is a health hazard.

it depends tho,built up bird feces can creat ammonia (i think ive got the right name) that is bad for anyones health,especially someone dependant on oxygen,also birds that are cramped together are more likely to get diseases that can be then passed onto humans

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People with breathing problems should try to avoid living in overcrowded aviaries?

you know what she means. good on you darni for saying what you did. i'd say there's a case there if they have no helpers to do simple cleaning. if they have time to go on trademe they have time to clean! (re the mucking about on forum topic)

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you know what she means. good on you darni for saying what you did. i'd say there's a case there if they have no helpers to do simple cleaning. if they have time to go on trademe they have time to clean! (re the mucking about on forum topic)

ha ha i have time tomuck around on trade me but there aint no way im cleaning my room :D

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