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My boy needs help :(


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Im running out of idea's :( hes not doing so well Im really worried about him.

I went away a while ago and left my Nan in charge of feeding. She ended up way over feeding my fighters. When I came home I noticed Zev wasnt swimming right, and he has a protrusion on the left hand side where his swim bladder is. I figured tummy got too full and caused the swim bladder to swell or something. I researched on the internet and the best option I could find was fasting him. He was doing well for 2 week, improving daily, untill today. Somewhere in the tank he either found food (not likely considering I gravel vac twice weekly, and hadnt fed him) or has some tummy problems. His belly is dark in colour and over sized. Ive fed him some shelled pea a while ago but I fear it might not be enough.

I really dont want to loose this lil man, he means so much to me, not only because he was gifted to me so generously, but hes special to me, I dont know what I would do without him.

Please any help is much appriciated, Ill get what ever is needed to try help the lil fella.

Heres the pic, you can see the large gut and scales sticking out. :(


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I hate to say it but there is not a lot that you can do once the scales start to stick out (pine cone) You can try Tonic Salt but it might be too little too last unfortunately

If it is dropsy try:

Dropsy Treatments

Dropsy is not very contagious; however, Fish usually die from this, but in some cases where the problem is due to bacteria, if detected early enough, it can be treated.

It's possibly the hardest internal bacterial infection to cure. There are a number of medications available such as penicillin, tetracycline and naladixic acid. The fish usually doesn't make it. By the time the scales begin to raise, however, it is very fatal to the fish. Salt baths can help to draw the fluid out of the fish. A variety of medications can be purchased that treat dropsy, which sometimes occurs due to an internal bacterial problem. Medications for external bacterial problems only will not be effective for this problem.

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hes not pineconing (?) as far as I can tell, the only scale protrusion is on the left side just over the swim bladder. As far as Im aware that effects the scales over the entire body. Im not sure if this is correct but when the tummy is over full, or swolen, it can block the litte tubes that run to the swim bladder. Dropsy was the first thing I looked into when I noticed the scales, but any pics of dropsy doesnt look like whats happening here. Hes happy, still blowing bubble nests every morning and flaring at me when I get close to him.

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hes not pineconing (?) as far as I can tell, the only scale protrusion is on the left side just over the swim bladder. As far as Im aware that effects the scales over the entire body. Im not sure if this is correct but when the tummy is over full, or swolen, it can block the litte tubes that run to the swim bladder. Dropsy was the first thing I looked into when I noticed the scales, but any pics of dropsy doesnt look like whats happening here. Hes happy, still blowing bubble nests every morning and flaring at me when I get close to him.

Sorry to hear about your wee man. I would suggest just keeping up with what you've been doing – i.e., not feeding him very much, and then peas on occasion. A big belly like that usually does mean constipation in my experience, and it can take quite a while for a fish to be cleared. It's always hard with internal things. :(

How old is he now, do you know? I have noticed that when mine get around the 18 mth-mark, the incidence of them getting sick increases.

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Great now to top it off my fire eel has become suicidal, keeps finding places to get out of the water, lidded tank so he cant escape, but Ive just found him sitting on top of the powerhead completey out of the water. :( I dropped the water level down so hes taken to digging up every one of my plants instead.

Must be one of those weeks :-?

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If the fire eel is trying to get out of the water, I would do a quick rescue water change. Set aside some water to test it to see why he is trying to escape. Might be good to increase aeration too until you figure out what the problem is (or if there is a problem at all).

Sorry about your fighter, internal problems are hard to diagnose much less treat.

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hes had a water change this morning and all conditions are fine. All my tanks are a lil on the warm side tho, cant do much about it my room is that tempreture :( 27.3 'c all my air pumps are working over time. Im gunna let him have his way with the plants, might just be unhappy with where hes got to dig. Hes grown about a cm in the past 5 days too so im presuming everything is to his liking food and water wise. When I first got him as a tiny weeny lil slimey, he would find places everywhere to hide out of the water, it was a constant struggle blocking up little gaps till eventually I won and took to digging in the sand, where he grew up fast. Now hes in the much bigger tank Im starting all over again I think :P as I said, I think its one of those weeks

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As an aside, dropsy affects the whole body and the scales stick out all over, even along the top of the body. If a fish has a swelling the scales will naturally stick out where the swelling is, as they accommodate the bulge beneath, not all over the body.

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As an aside, dropsy affects the whole body and the scales stick out all over, even along the top of the body. If a fish has a swelling the scales will naturally stick out where the swelling is, as they accommodate the bulge beneath, not all over the body.

Thanks for clearing that up for me Caryl, I thought as much but wasnt 100% sure as Ive never seen dropsy other then pictures on the intraweb.

Its boggles me though that he was nearly all better until this morning, now hes right back where he started, if not worse.

last time I fed him was 3 days ago (aside from the shelled pea earlier) and it was 1 Novo colour flake, very little at all.

If they're hungry enough will they take to eating algae, plant or poop?

Other then some kind of tummy infection I cant think what could have made his belly get big over night, and of course with the big belly its caused the swelling on his swim bladder to return and push those same 2 scales out again.

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i thought your Mum was posting on your account :wink:

i have some test kits here if you need them

HAHA! though wouldnt be completely suprising lol

Mum should be home from work soon, dropping by to deprive me of her camera again. Ill get a sample of both tanks in question and stop by in an hour or so if thats alright with you?

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Maybe try a Epsom salt bath?

This might help the possible constipation.

Also, hold up a light behind him if u can so that it shines through his body. Can you see a water filled space around his organs?

My betta had this happen a few months back for some reason...had a water filled abdomen. I treated it with a regular salt bath a few times during the week and it seemed to clear up.

Otherwise, I think what you are doing is correct.

All the best!

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aww :( poor fishy, but it makes things very clear. Thanks Caryl. My guys just constipated it seems, after being over fed all those bloodworms with no fibre for 2 weeks its no wonder, not my Nans fault, I havnt told her anything is wrong with him it would upset her, Ill just need to make sure next time I leave clearer instructions

I think I found the same site Aquilam but it says gallons not litres. Easily converted thanks to the wonders of google.

There's no where local to get epsom salt at this time and Im without transport till early next week, it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help people, really appriciated :bow::hail::bow:

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I just realized that you may have been shining the light at him instead of from behind him. Basically just take the flashlight behind him and shine the light toward your eyes, but with him in the way. Hope that make sense....

Also, epsom salts (aka Magnesium sulfate) can bought from a regular grocery store like NewWorld.

I cant get the light to shine through him hes too shiney, Ill try a salt bath tomorrow see how that goes. Ill search forums for the dosage.

Thanks :)

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