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Central Fishkeepers Club (Manawatu/Wanganui)


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Reminder to everyone that the next meeting will be held this coming Sunday 28th Feb

1PM Start

Usual place,

Highbury Whanau Centre

Highbury Ave

Palmerston North


Open to anyone who want to come along. Its free and we would love to see you there.

Family friendly location with activities for the kids, so no excuses, LOL

See you there :wink:

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:bounce: :bounce: A wee bit over due but just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to the members of Central Fishkeepers who made me very welcome at their last meeting. It was so great to put names to faces that I've either spoken with, emailed or PM'd through FNZAS and you've made your club meetings a great, fun time to meet up with likeminded people and really share your fishkeeping/aquatic plant info with each other :bounce: :bounce: .

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You got muffins?

We got bikkies and pooped on by Rusty!

:o :lol: :D


this is why I never let him sit on me. I was wearing a new tee and didn't want any poop on me. other people were more than happy to pay the price and have a bird sit on their shoulder. (or in tanya's case, sift through her hair).

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