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Empty Tank, Any Ideas?


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YAY :D , a empty tank! But what should I put in it? :-?

Glass, 25L approx, can be heated & filtered

I was thinking a fighter maybe, as I have one in a tank the same as this one. Only thing is that the fish/thing has to be cheap ($20 max).


When I was in aussie I saw these things "crazy crabs" can we get these little guys here. (I know we have hermit crabs in the sea but these ones stayed on land with just a small dish of water).


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A nice HM or CT fighter? Might be a bit over $20 for the really good ones, I wouldn't bother with VTs.

Chuck a 23w 6500k energy saver over top of it (use a desk lamp) and do a really nice planted/ rocks or wood setup.

That's just what I'd do :)

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a tiny tank like that can make a fascinating pond bug tank.

I have one by the window and the light makes algae that feeds the tiny pea mussels, boatmen, snails, daphnia, copepods, boatmen etc. Also the leaves on the substrate decompose and the bacteria provide food.

And the wonderful diving beetles get ox heart (and nibble the others).

A diving spider could be an interesting addition!

They form self-sustaining populations mostly, just dump in pond critters and see who survives.

Utterly fascinating for the geeky who love anything that lives in water ;)

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