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Normal algae, strange behaviour


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Tank size 90x40x30

Lighting 3x 28w 6500k @ 8hrs per day

Filtration 1x Eheim 2213


Substrate Play sand

Fertilizer N/A

Flora Glosso

Fauna N/A

I have recently setup this tank with Glosso and it had the usual algae problems. Started off with some brown algae on the substrate so I increased lighting hours and added three baby BNs. That sorted it but I came home on Sunday afternoon to discover that the water was green. So I pulled out the fish, changed some water and removed the heater. It helped so I changed some more this afternoon.

What's confusing me is that through all this, the Glosso is growing better than it ever has for me before. It's staying low, healthy and sending out runners :-?

Is this normal?

Also, every time I change the water I lay down a little flat piece of schist and pour fresh water onto it but it still uproots a lot of Glosso. Apart from pouring it in at a very slow rate or using the hose, anything else I could do?

Thanks! :hail:

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What temp was the tank with the heater - being a NZ plant I would think that it may not need to be heated too much.

What is the temp of your average kiwi river or stream?

As for the water changes - I'll think about it and get back to you...

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What temp was the tank with the heater - being a NZ plant I would think that it may not need to be heated too much.

Had it at 28C and it was doing just fine, seems to cope with tropical. Doesn't matter as it's cold water now. Cold being around 25C this time of year :roll:

What is the temp of your average kiwi river or stream?

Not sure? I'd hazard guess 10-18C

As for the water changes - I'll think about it and get back to you...

:hail: N1CK suggested slowly with the hose, could be the best option. I need some more clown killies BTW, my guy was making "friends with benefits" with the slimmer Otto :o :lol:

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I only have an abundance of boys at the moment, perhaps you could butter Barrie up to see if he has any girls?

What makes you think I want to breed em? :wink: I think he's just a bit lonely, the fighter he's with is a grumpy old thing. They get on well with other males? I think he's a male.

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blame the green water on the heat and humidity, I had all my discus up sucking air yesterday afternoon as my tank hit 33 degrees!

try pouring water into a chinese takeaway container or something with a lip so that it has to trickle over the edge and see if that helps at all.

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Thanks ADodge. 33?! That's extreme, we've maxed at around 26 over this way. I've tried bottles, containers, etc but it all overflows and mucks up the sand. If all goes to plan then the water will be sweet as tomorrow. Pity BNs don't actually eat algae :roll:

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You mission, should you choose to accept it...

Is to develop a tank filling apparatus that will not disturb the sand using only materials from the recycle bin...

Actually what sort of filter are you using - can't you make some sort of filling mechanism that replicates this?

If it is returning water at 400 odd litres per hour and not cause a sandstorm, surely you can do something similar?

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You mission, should you choose to accept it...

Is to develop a tank filling apparatus that will not disturb the sand using only materials from the recycle bin...

:lol: Sure, so you can patent it and sell it off to some big company and make millions? :o

Actually what sort of filter are you using - can't you make some sort of filling mechanism that replicates this?

If it is returning water at 400 odd litres per hour and not cause a sandstorm, surely you can do something similar?

Good thought. It moves water vertically out the end of the spray bar.

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I use a clear plastic bag, cut a few holes in the bottom of it, attach it to the side of the tank with clothes pegs and then fill up the bag with water. This is for my 20 litre tank though so might be a pain for a larger tank.

Actually I got this idea from one of Zev's posts about setting up a killie tank...

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I guess I'll have to try all of the above and use the least destructive one. Thinking about an ice cream container with small holes soldered in the side, it will probably still uproot some Glosso though :( It's a PITA seeing as it's just getting established and growing.

If I had a shelf above the tank I could do it easily, but I don't so I have to pour it in with a (heavy) bucket :x

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If I had a shelf above the tank I could do it easily, but I don't so I have to pour it in with a (heavy) bucket :x

Ah ha!! The reason is now revealed. You'll have to use something smaller like a cup to transfer the water in and then the glosso will stay in the substrate. I don't think you have enough control over the flow rate from a bucket (or at least I certainly wouldn't). :D

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I use the 10 litre Pure Dew containers for water top up, even then I have trouble not causing storms in the tank, especially when you start with it full and it glops into the tank and splashes everywhere.

Do you want some to try with? I can load poor Wok up with a couple to take up there?

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Ah ha!! The reason is now revealed. You'll have to use something smaller like a cup to transfer the water in and then the glosso will stay in the substrate. I don't think you have enough control over the flow rate from a bucket (or at least I certainly wouldn't). :D

:lol: I mean heavy over a long period of time, hard to a 10kg+ pour at 1 liter per minute. That's a good idea ADodge, will try it this afternoon.

I use the 10 litre Pure Dew containers for water top up, even then I have trouble not causing storms in the tank, especially when you start with it full and it glops into the tank and splashes everywhere.

Do you want some to try with? I can load poor Wok up with a couple to take up there?

Nah, let poor Wok be :lol: Thanks for the offer Zev but I'll try some of these other techniques first.

On a side note: Water is clear :-? Water changes actually worked for me so I'll keep them up.

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lol grow some muscle and holding the bucket up there will be easy :lol:


put the bucket on the ground and put a powerhead with hose attached to it going to the tank and use a bowl that will point the water upwards when it hits the bottom of that bowl. Of coarse you will need to fill the first 10ltrs slowly with a cup. :o 8)

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I have this little contraption that I use to fill a little tank that just has plants in sand - long story short it is airline tubing that runs like a siphon to slowly drip the water in and I don't even have to be there while it fills. I just set the water level in the bucket so that the siphon will automatically stop at a certain point and I walk away. Easy as!




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My tank is a wee bit bigger than that Jen

Yes, well size isn't everything. 4.gif It happens to have some very cool plants that are positively thriving - blooming and sending out runners all over the place. And it looks cool on my desk... next to the two other tanks.....not much room for working at the mo though.......... 71.gif

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