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Spotted bn (with pics)


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Heres some pics of my biggest, grumpiest and far most dominant spotted bn. He rules the roost and attacks anything that comes near his bit of wood.



this is his partner in crime (another male?)


and the next one down in size


I have 6 of them. I was going to move them into the 3ft I am getting tomorrow but I think I might leave them in the 250 litre 4ft and move my pretty peckoltias instead. I only have 5 of them and they are way slower growing than these ones. I've already had to move out my 4 long finned bn. (pic below)



opinions on the above appreciated. thanks

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Nice fish :hail:

It looks like you got a pair of longfins :D

My oldest male has been put with a GBA and the first fry hatched today :bounce:

The spotted ones have been loosely ID'ed as `Rio Ucayali` http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=638 both males and females have bristles to some degree so I wouldn't be in a hurry to definitely sex them.

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I got 4 longfin - one has bristles so definitely male and way bigger, the one in the pic is the next size down. The smallest has much shorter fins and tail without the white edging so I would say very likely to be a female. I was a bit mean - when I was asked which 4 I wanted I replied ' I want 2 males and 2 females' then nearly fell over laughing. However this may well be what I in fact did get.

I have wondered if the two bigger spotted bn or 'whatevers' may be a pair as the second one in size is a lot plumper looking. The 3 smaller ones are way way way smaller, only about 4-5cm max.

Good luck with your spawn. I'll be interested to see how they turn out.

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