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Hap/Peacock tank pics


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Decided to chuck a few a my males that were in various tanks and breeding setups together into a 300l tank .

My plan has always been to work toward an al male tank with peacocks and some of the more Benign Hap species.

They are still settling in so plenty of raised eyebrows ( if they had eyebrows), but no real aggression to speak of.

Most the peacocks are still quite young and the haps a little older. Couple of Randoms in as well. Have a couple of other peacocks to add but thought I'd see how these guys worked.






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wellllll....I am pretty sure it is a male


was trying to pick a few bigger angelicus up but seems very few around in my price range.

Looked at getting some from HFF but again for a gouod group is more $$ than sense at teh moment for me.

A work on progress now I have teh red emps to help with spawning them

My favourite Synos are angelicus

So far fav plecs are royal panaques but i did like very much some of those you listed the other day

and males...well luck of theh draw but has been my experience that females are... well... just to catty for my own good

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Nice tank ;):hail:

what type of peacock is that?

Maleri "Gold".( one of "Tropheus's)

typical maleri-thinks he own the tank.

i have a young rubescens that i would like to add but kinda of thinking he may be lowest in the pecking order, particularly in that colour so will hold off.

In the shot he's giving the Baenschi a shoo away, he's always up front almost leaping at me when it food time which ever tank he's in.

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