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I couldn't believe it,no heater and still toooo hot. I did a water change and its coming down.I will keep lights off and hood open. Its my new tank the one with the BNs and Plecos. I will keep my fingers crossed, the house is just too hot right now

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Down to 29 now.Hood open and lights out. The biggest tank is pretty stable but the two smaller ones are harder to keep cool this time of year. I wll keep a close eye on them tonight and might do another small water change in the morning. :D:D

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aim a (well supported) desk fan at the water surface - cools through evaporation

pull your curtains during the day if the room gets direct sun

make sure the hood is open to let the heat out from the lights, but without the fish getting out. If your lights are on an electric timer reduce the hours they are on.

Surface agitation is good as it increased the dissolved oxygen. As water gets hot it can hold less oxygen. Overheating deaths are mostly from asphyxia.

Try keeping native fish, they need it under 18 degrees preferably :roll:

My tanks seem to be circa 19 today, which is pretty good for this time of year, but is a cool day.

I have put insulation over the windows in my office/fishroom to stop any heat from the sun coming in - has made a HUGE difference and now I have my own cave ;)

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I have lights that sit directly on top of the lids, which traps hot air under them. I have them raised up on bits of polystyrene (for want of something neater) so the fans also help to blow away that hot air from the lights as well as being aimed at the water surface for the evaporative cooling.

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I'm just down the road from you, and mines at 26.3, the thermometer set at 24, so its warm, I have had the lights off all day, for the same reason, also leaving the hood open, and got 2 air stones on full power trying to stir up the water.

It's way to hot here at the moment! Mine is set at 26, reached just over 30 last night!! With the fan on. :evil:

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My puffer tank hit 30.6 degrees yesterday. I have a panelbeaters down the road, and I can smell paint between the hours of 9am-5pm most days. So I can't open the window to the room, so I have real green house effect in there.

I've got two desk fans blowing at full clip on the tank today though, and I've raised the lighting system higher up.

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