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New Planted Tank!


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Righto, the wheels are finally in motion and my new tank is coming along nicely! My mother and stepdad drove down to Christchurch a few days ago and brought my old tank, light, filters, etc. so these last couple of days I have had the pleasure of setting it up. I bought some dalton's aquatic mix from bunnings and got the substrate from Jolliolli so hopefully the plants will love me for it. The thing I was lacking the most though was a nice piece of driftwood and to be honest I didn't feel like forking out $40 for an average piece from a pet shop, so I did a quick search on here and came across a post by Hazara saying Waikuku beach was a nice place to get good driftwood from, so I set out there today and as soon as I walked onto the beach (very nice beach by the way, reminded me of home..) I found the perfect piece!


Dimensions: 600x500hx450mm ~135L

Lighting: 150W 6500k halide

Filtration: sponge filter at the moment, I have a canister that I may rig up if I can find room for it

Heater: 150W


Me: happy

Anywho, here are a few photo's of me setting things up..

My stepdad whipped me up this support for the halide, it's very sturdy and has room for the ballast too


Aquatic mix




Where I'm at now


Basically what I'm wanting to do with this is have a carpet of hairgrass at the front right hand side around that lone rock, a dense area of small crypts on the front left. Some java fern around the base of the wood, with xmas/java moss around a few of the branches, and finally some barclaya/aponogeton's/stem plants at the back. I also must get a piece of black paper or plastic for the back as it looks yuck at the mo.

As for fish I'm not 100% yet, but definitely a trio of some sort of apisto (either really nice cockatoo's or something rarer (pm me if you have these :wink: ), otto's, bristlenoses, cories, and some sort of small schooling fish (maybe even guppies....maybe). Right, that's enough for now, pics will come as things happen. Comments/criticisms welcome.

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Thanks all.

Small update: Got a few plants off Jenniferh the other day so planted them up and got a few Blue Cochu tetra's to help with the cycle. I plan to have ~9 of these all up and I think they will be a nice contrast against the plants. I've got a few more plants coming this week and I can't wait to get my hands wet again.

The fish seem very happy and have had a nice feed of insects that have landed on the water's surface over the last couple of days. I haven't had much luck in finding apisto's but there are a few A. trifasciata at Redwoods I could be tempted to buy later on down the track.

Anyway, enough yabbering on


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Has it reached yet? :o:o

Has what reached where?

Got a few more plants in here but I went away for a few days so the plants didn't have any light over this time and have suffered.

I set up some DIY CO2 today and I'm waiting on Organism to re-open so I can get some more plants/fish.


with flash


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I've had a massive battle with staghorn algae but I'm slowly getting the better of it. Due to a lack of funds I haven't bought many new plants, just the ozelot sword on the right, but once I get myself a job that will change. The fish are doing well too; the apisto's have a batch of fry swimming around and the tetra's spawn regularly.

Supasi shared some pics a while ago of threadfin rainbowfish on Fishkeeper's and I think they are very pretty so a small group of them is on the list too.


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what is with everyone getting staghorn all of a sudden?

12+ years of keeping fish, and the first time i heard of it was last month when my tank got it, and now it seems really common. :o

Exactly what I've been thinking recently. I had never heard of it either until I saw your pics, then I got it real bad.

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Looks sweet Ant

I bought some more female Threadfins yesterday for my males.

I also had a pair kindly sent from BIGBOSSMAN.

I really want to successfully raise some fry this time.

I have an endless supply of green water now.

Im glad the apistos are going good. :wink:

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Nice! They look awesome. None of the chch shops have any in stock which is a shame (I was hoping animates would have them for the buy one get one free thingy, but no). From what I've read it sounds like it's a pretty tough job raising the fry but I would like to give them a go too one day, good luck to you!

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