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Breeding WCMM's


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I have been planning to fill up the pond with around 50+ of them for ages (like a year :lol: )but have never got round to doing it (also SamH wanteed some :P)

I will have them outside and was wondering if something like this would work:

2/3 Plastic storage bins (clear prob around 50L)

-a few large clumps of water sprite in each

-no gravel

-trio or 2males/4 females (what would be better?? :-? ) in each

-weekly 50% water changes

-daily feedings flake/pellets maybe frozen food 1/2 times a week

I'm thinking of sticking them outside in sun/part shade which will hopefully get the plants to grow well and maybe create a supply of green water for the fry (and as there is no room to stick them inside)

Do you think this would work/anything I could do better to get better survial/growth rate/anything else????

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I have been planning to fill up the pond with around 50+ of them for ages (like a year :lol: )but have never got round to doing it (also SamH wanteed some :P)

Sounds like a plan! He needs help and I need my minnows by March! :D

Also, what's the best way to train them to do various tricks? :wink:

(N1CK, you did not just double E in wanted)

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Will definately work. The more plants the better the survival rate of fry. Gives them hiding places to feel safe.


I was planning on sticking as much water sprite in there as I could get with out it being over the top and anything like P44s old planted tank (where the fish were pressed up against the glass :P)

then hopefully I could get some green water going in it to help with fry survival/food

Would it work better if I had a trio or 2M/4F in there??

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I am doing a couple of small 100 liter ponds aswell. I got one small one set up at the moment with some wood, java moss, indian fern and duckweed. I set it up this morning and the temp is allready up to 24. How deep are your ones? cause mine are in the shade and heaten up very fast

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Breeding notes

I have been breeding White Clouds for a few years now. I have tried many different techniques but have found one that works the best:

- Once you have distinguished male from female, pick yourself two males and four females. Make sure that they are healthy specimens that exhibit full finnage.

- Use a ten-gallon tank containing only a sponge filter and a heater, and leave the bottom bare. You will need to find some sort of spawning media. I have used old plastic plants (bunched up), spawning grass or Java moss. This media must remain anchored to the bottom of the tank. I have found that these minnows aren’t too picky about water parameters. A pH between 6.7 and 7.5 is suitable. They seem to enjoy a General Hardness around 2-3 degrees. I also add one tablespoon of sea salt. Keep your water temperature up around 80ºF.

- Feeding the adults a diet of daphnia, brine shrimp, white worms and crushed Spirulina flakes will bring them to spawning condition. Fourteen hours of light, and water changes of 20% every three days will also increase breeding vigour.

- Within four days of introduction the females should become gravid with eggs. You will then witness the males’ courtship displays - fin flicking and enticing the females into the spawning media. Spawning can take place from early morning up until noontime.

- Once you have noticed that two or three females are no longer holding eggs remove all the minnows. Some say that White Clouds won’t eat their own fry - but I say different. You will find that White Clouds are one of the easier fish to catch. Try not to disturb the spawning area.

- Within two to three days you should start seeing fry. They will stick to the sides of the tank and will stay mostly stationary. Within a day they should start swimming at the surface. The fry are very tiny and will not accept newly hatched brine shrimp. I use A.P.R. by OSI or Baby Fish Food “E” by Tetra Min. At three days old they will accept microworms and at eight days, baby brine. Refrain from water changes until the fry have reached the two week mark. They are slightly sensitive to changing water conditions.

- The fry are very quick to grow and will reach a marketable size within 2½ months.

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Two males and four females it is :D,

How deep are your ones?

I haven't got ones for these yet but I have got one with goldies in it atm, its something like 50cm x30cm x30cm (LxWxH)

Does reaching a marketable size mean they wont fit in goldfishes mouths?? :lol:

Reading a bit more from the internets I'm thinking of getting 3 containers, 4 males 8 females, then seperate the males and females for 1-2 weeks feed really well, then stick two trios in two of the containers fill with a lot of water sprite then once the females have laid their eggs remove them to the other container filled with more water sprite and see if they will breed in that as well

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If you put daphnia in there they should culture and then the parents would be less likely to eat the eggs and fry. Also with floating plants mozzies would lay then fish could eat the larvae. Thats what I am going to try.

The parents wont't eat the fry but will eat eggs if they can get to them before they fall to the bottom and its not the fact that they might its the fact that the bigger fry will get to the smaller fry and eat them

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I personally wouldnt do 50% water changes as you'll probably end up sucking out the babies or eggs. Mine lived last year happily in a bath tub and bred like crazy. I had 4 M and 6 F. did a couple of syphons from the bottom but really just left them to it.

If you use a smaller tube, like air pump tubing it works fine and I would do it into a bucket just ot make sure I diddnt suck up alot it also works if you try and keep it near the top

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