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jim r

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10mm glass 2.4x600x600 with euro bracing as well as normal bracing, it looks like the centre brace has given way. ( do not know age of tank,not new.)Just as well no one was standing in front of it as the force of water threw the glass across the garage and smashed a 1200x450x450 tank also with guppies, also causing my fluval 404 to pack up. 2 broken lights. I managed to save about 50 and my skunk loach (first time I have seen it in months.) Water travelled as far as the bedroom. Looking on the bright side it could have been worse. No one was hurt and thankfully it was not my Discus or gold nugget tanks.

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Hind site is great I know but that tank should have a thickness of 15mm on the sides

Lage tanks scare the waste from me I tell you. The force that you have seen and the way the glass shot across the room breaking another tank is my fair. Ive seen too many injureys from things like this. As you said, look on the plus side and no-one was injured.

Just hope that people look at what has happened and learn!!!!!!!

If I can help at all let me know

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Hind site is great I know but that tank should have a thickness of 15mm on the sides

Gutted Jimr I am sorry to hear of your loss.. Like you said lucky noone got injured..

What would the cost of those tanks be in 15mm glass? I haven't seen any tanks made of glass that thick even 5-6ft tanks made by "reputable" tank makers are only 10mm and sitting in peoples lounges..

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Ryan, thats the whole point

EXPERTS in glass and its properties recomend thicker glass but self taught tank makers with not knowledge of glass's properties make unsafe tanks. Yes, they may well be great for year and may never have a problem but every now and then the numbers up and some one can be killed.

Jim commented on the force that the glass flew across the room and was enough to break another tank. Just think of the problem if there was a 2 year old grand son standing there. (I mention 2 YO g'son as mine spends a lot of time just looking into the tanks)

Lets be quite clear, I am NOT having a go at Jim. Hes probably brought this tank from a tank maker or someone else, and would have little way of knowing.

To say I dont care if people buy/obtain tanks is not correct as I have simply seen too many accidents and the damage they have done but people will not listen to advice so there is little I can do.

I too use to make large tanks but simply dont want to now days as to make them correctly is far far to expensive.

Please, learn from this and buy "over the top" tanks

Also realise that silicone is only garenteed for 10 years externally. What that means is that UV light and other factors (including water) will make the seal far less efficiant and it should be replaced. I wait now for all the stories of tanks that are still fine after 25 or 35 years

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Yes we have insurance, I am more concerned that had someone been standing in front of it they would have been most likely killed. It is not going back, at least not as a 950l tank. I am going to have a Paludarium in it's place.

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