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Aquarium Bubblers


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If you have a spraybar with your filter, lower it so has a skin of water on the very bottom of it and aim it back towards the glass so it is at a 30-45 degree angle downwards :D i have mine like that for my gouramis and it also creates a fine mist that goes down in the water and eventually floats back up again, you're gonna havr to wait for a pic though (if i can get one :S) as im aclimatising some fish atm and the water levels gone up

EDIT: The camera is taking really dark pictures so you cant see the bubbles :-? then if you use the flash the bubbles dont come out at all.......

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No C02 but i do does flourish and as soon as i get my PMDD ill be dosing that as well (but the rest is a secret ;) )

nopes. that's not it. your bubbles are too big.

are you sure??? they're fine enough that when the fish go swim through the bubbles they get covered in them....

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How do you grow plants in there N1CK? That aeration must be huge.

gas exchange doesnt just work for O2 out etc, if the plants use up an amount of CO2, the partial pressure of the gas in solution decreases and according to Henry's law, the now higher pressure of the surrounding air would force CO2 into the solution, a process aided by the aeration.

There are other reactions that also rely on dissolved gasses entering and exiting the water.

funnily enough while I think about it, according to henry's law and boyles law, water at a higher temperature has a lower affinity for O2 (cant hold as much) yet, somehow, all the worlds fastest (and thus need more O2) fish live in the tropics.

10 fishpoints to someone who can figure out how that works and why they can survive the lower O2 environment.

[/ threadjacking]

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I am waiting on the glassblower to get a catalogue with the ceramic porous frits and get back to me with availability. These frits come in many different porosities allowing for invisible bubbles through to larger bubbles. I don't know how they would go with a pressurised system though - however I see them used in Japanese planted tanks for CO2 diffusion and those must be connected to a gas cylinder, right? My own frit is non pressurised and the frit porosity is below 40 microns so the bubbles are invisible.

Will let you all know what I find out as to availability but be prepared, the frits are quite expensive to order out of the catalogue and the glassblower has to use a special process to fit it.

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Oh, well maybe they aren't as expensive as I thought... :roll: or maybe it is the larger porosity that is cheaper. The one I have was somthing like $40 for the frit alone but that is about 40 microns. The visbile bubbles would be at least 100 microns. I heard that some of these cost upwards of US$100 including glasswork but the glassblower here is a mate of mine so we'll see what he can come up with. 8)

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