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outrageous petshop prices!!!!!


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You know what else is outrageous? I went to see about buying an Aqua One CF1200 canister on Monday. Shop number 1 didn't have them in stock, shop number 2 also did not have them but could order in. I enquired about the price and after a quick call to their supplier and a calucation, I was told $280. I told them I'd get back to them and quickly left the shop. I have since purchased the very same item off the internet from a shop in Nelson for $157.00 brand new. I since went back to shop number 1 who didn't have any stock now have them in stock, but for $168.00!

I'm just dying to tell shop number 2 their prices are outrageous.

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omg i went into a pet shop today and could not believe the prices of some of there cichlids the size of them were between 1-2 cm maybe 3 on one lot prices were $18- $20 omg for fryer thats unreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fryeri do wholesale for $30-40 at 4-5cm, I have seen them retailing for $80-90 a fish before.. From breeders they are much cheaper and I would say at that size it is expensive, but the shop has to make money somehow and for someone who doesn't know any breeders and might have paid $80-90 per fish it might be worth it :)

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I know the people at my lfs really well, they pay $145 for a CF1200 from Kongs & they can't work out how others are selling them for what they are. I would suggest that some are getting better buy prices than others which creates differing sell prices.

thats a normal price for africans in stores.

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Yeah I have heard the same thing, went into my LFS once and asked if they could match a price of $460 for an FX5 and was told it was near their wholesale price and there was no way, but a business in Auckland was selling them for that.. I think people must be buying direct from overseas therefore avoiding all the wholesalers cuts and extra shipping costs etc.

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well im glad we are getting set up for breeding and know alot of breeders but i did score a FEMALE electric yellow so excited :bounce: :bounce: :lol: :lol:

Fryeri do wholesale for $30-40 at 4-5cm, I have seen them retailing for $80-90 a fish before.. From breeders they are much cheaper and I would say at that size it is expensive, but the shop has to make money somehow and for someone who doesn't know any breeders and might have paid $80-90 per fish it might be worth it :)

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This is a subject which comes up all the time either in conversation or here.

The truth of the matter is a specialist fish shop carries a big risk when it comes to buying fish, there is no guarantee it will sell quickly or that it will survive, it also costs a pretty fair amount to run 100+ tanks full of fish.

We are all pretty blown away by the price of some pieces of kit or fish at times, but remember that these actual specialist fish shops are providing a valuable service to the hobby and unless we use them we will lose them, I will purchase hardware or food from my local rather than off the internet and happily pay 10% more (which I get off because I am a FNZAS member) because its keeping my local shop going.

Earlier this decade (2003) Tropical fish hobbist magazine conducted extensive research into the future of the hobby. which faced changes in the form of Mega stores and the internet, I was determine that there were three vital links in the chain which are VITAL in keeping the hobby alive

1: Aquarium societies (which collectively support and maintain this very website and forum but many people seem too tight to contribute to by spending a pittance of a yearly sub on)

2: Recruitment of Children (usually by aquarium societies)

3 The Local Fish Shop

Before we groan and wring our hands at the extra few bucks we spend on that great fish the LFS has finally gotten in after waiting for it for months, imagine how hard it would be to rely on some faceless website to source and get that very specific fish in for you.

I too feel the sting of parting with money but if you are loyal to your local shops and help them survive they will usually come to the party when you need something urgently or cant quite afford the asking price, don't underestimate the value of face to face interaction and community.

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exactly Simian

Some will not be happy untill all LFS are gone.

When that happens, they will have no more imports of fish and no supplies and they will need to order everything in from overseas them selves

just think of the problems with parts or importing one heater and then you get into the food with all the legal hassels

Its simple really

if you dont like the cost, dont buy it

As a wholesaler/retailer, I simply walk away or ask people to leave when they are pushing the price issue and putting the pressure on... cant be bothered...Just dont need a $50- or $100 sale that much. I make 10% of my turnover so to spend 10 minutes arguing with someone for a $5 profit?

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the stores are important but to me its the small operations are the important ones as they are hands on, chain stores do the hobby little good IMO. IME the chain stores employ minimum wage people who have little knowledge (there are exceptions to this of corse) & don't care about the quality of the fish etc, they are simply interested in how many sell.

my lfs is a husband/wife team & they are great, you can talk to them about what you are needing & they work with you as they see the importance of you coming back as if no one spends $ in their shop they don't eat. i am unsure what places like animates are like about buying fish off their customers but i sell 90% of my fry to my lfs so its a two way street which helps both of us.

its the same as buying a line trimmer from bunnings as apposed to a stihl shop. ask the person at bunnings to service your engine.... it won't happen. ask them how to use it or what the best model for a particular job is. the smart ones may know but the odds are slim. I bought a line trimmer recently, i got it from stihl shop as the knowledge & in-store servicing etc was more important than the $40 i would save buying one from bunnings.

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Does the internet shop in Nelson sell fish/livestock?

yes petmart sell livestock at there richmond store im not sure if they ship them though, also from what i remember their fish were no cheaper than an ordinary lfs. i guess its fairer to think of them as an lfs and an online store but when something is half the price for an identical item(postage included) its a no brainer

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yes but everyone seems to hate the chain stores that provide more employment, pay more taxes, feed more families and provide more of a stimulus to the local economy than any other little shop.

maybe chain stores should just cease to exist - then lets see who likes paying the hundreds of thousands of dollars in quarantine costs cause suppliers will just not import any more fish.

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Uh-oh. I smell an arguement...

But P44 is right. Animates contributes far more heavily to the economy than most of the little shops combined. The fact is that less informed members of the public will shop there because it's easy and popular. You can choose where you'd like to shop, be it a little local LFS, that pet store down the street or the chain store in town. But in the end, it's up to you. If you want the best prices then shop around, but for many people, paying that little bit extra for the complete kit is often far easier.

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lol i didnt mean for this to start an arguement !!!! was simply just abit shocked with some price only for the fact we brought all our cichlids from breeder which did make it alot cheaper .... i guess with the shipping fees aswell !!!!


Uh-oh. I smell an arguement...

But P44 is right. Animates contributes far more heavily to the economy than most of the little shops combined. The fact is that less informed members of the public will shop there because it's easy and popular. You can choose where you'd like to shop, be it a little local LFS, that pet store down the street or the chain store in town. But in the end, it's up to you. If you want the best prices then shop around, but for many people, paying that little bit extra for the complete kit is often far easier.

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they may supply the bulk sales that keep the wholesalers ticking

just a thought

that's possibly the little good they do providing they are using the suppliers & not importing direct themselves :)

the big corps do business so differently to small operations. I am a quantity serveyor & do work for building merchants, they are putting such small margins on the low buy price they already demand with volume buying that the small guys cannot buy items for what they are selling them for. case i point, a paslode nail gun. i was at a merchants trade dept last week & a builder came in & bought 5 nail guns @ $742 each if i remember exactely. I said to the rep, "That must be a good earn for a mornings work". He replied, "Nah, not at al. We only make $7 per gun". :o

in reality they would ahve made more due to kickbacks etc from the supplier but at a 1% markup on the cheapest buy price no one small is going to be able to compete & it will eventually take the bulk of the "knowledge of old" from the trade. It is the same in our hobby, if stores are only offering minimum wage to employees then quality advice will be lost & so to will the quality of fish etc & the standard will drop across the range.

of course there are exceptions to all rules/opinions etc but trades in all areas are loosing their knowledge which simply can't be a good thing. :)

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yes but everyone seems to hate the chain stores that provide more employment, pay more taxes, feed more families and provide more of a stimulus to the local economy than any other little shop.

maybe chain stores should just cease to exist - then lets see who likes paying the hundreds of thousands of dollars in quarantine costs cause suppliers will just not import any more fish.

the demand won't drop, that will mean that the little guys can get a bit bigger or more little guys can open & be sucessful.

i am genuinely interested how many of your work mates can you learn something from? if you started working at my LFS you may learn alot from them as the owners have had all pets they sell for at least 15 years, the marine tank in the shop has been established for over 12 i beleive so there is history & experience that cannot be bought. :)

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protectionism, never has been, and never will be a way to safe guard businesses and or economies.

the demand won't drop, that will mean that the little guys can get a bit bigger or more little guys can open & be sucessful.

any how, im signing off this debate, as I don't own any chain store. I just get a little tired of hearing about horribly high prices, when at the end of the day consumer behaviour dictates prices - the business would not exist the products/services were overpriced.

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protectionism, never has been, and never will be a way to safe guard businesses and or economies.

any how, im signing off this debate, as I don't own any chain store. I just get a little tired of hearing about horribly high prices, when at the end of the day consumer behaviour dictates prices - the business would not exist the products/services were overpriced.

i don't have an issue with prices at all & i'm sure i haven't stated that in this thread, if it seems that's what i am getting at its not how i intended it at all. :)

i spend alot at my lfs, i generally don't shop on price. i could get things cheaper but choose to support my lfs so they will hopefully still be there in years to come. I prefer to buy from stores that can give advice as well as that is more important IMO. for my chainsaw & line trimmer i went to the local mower store which sells stihl, i buy tyres from a locally owned store & my stock feed is made locally & sold through a locally owned store. its not so much the protectionism that concerns me or drives my choice, its the fact that inexperienced people in chain stores have given me terrible advice on a range of different items that i have bought in the past & that has cost me alot of $ unnecessarily when if i had of got the correct advice in the first place i would have been far better off.

i have found that when the person selling you something is the person that takes the profit generally they want you to return so are sensible about what they do. & yes there are always exceptions to this. :)

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I agree Ira, some of the things I hear employees say to customers makes me want to ROFL. But the staff at HFF have never steered me wrong.

Ask them what to feed king tiger plecos!

I was told spirulina and courgette... LOL.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I've been in a position where the direction was fake your way if you don't know. What the... Hence I turned my back on that profession. Sometimes having a high standard of princilpes really bites you on the bum!

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i think the stores like animates have a place in attracting people to the hobby. People who have never thought of owning a tank are unlikely to visit hollywoods for example and get inspired, but they might drift into the fish section at animates when they go to buy dog food and end up walking out with a tank. Then once mts has taken over and they get more into it, they're likely to start looking for specialist shops to visit.

I go to fish shops instead of petshops when i'm in auckland, partly because i have limited time, and partly because i don't expect to see the fish i want at a pet store, and partly because i want to oggle all the lovely fish. I'd rather pay an extra couple of dollars for equipment if i want anything, than have to stop at another shop and leave the fish sitting in the car, or battle the traffic to get there. But i do go to animates when they have decent sales, like the buy one get one free deals. Especially when they send me vouchers for free :)

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