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Celestial Pearl Danio \ Galaxy Rasbora

Mad Whip

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Hi Every body,

Just wondering if anyone has any Celestial Pearl Danio \ Galaxy Rasbora or has seen any for sale. When these fish first hit the hobby I was just changing my set up to Malawi Mbuna. Now I have a 4 footer to hold them with plants and no big hungry Cichlid mouths to eat them I could house them. Only problem is I cant find any..... :(

Any help would be "owsome".


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i paid $52 for a pair, female keeled over a few days later :(

the male didn't look like much at the shop, but i'd seen how great they look in pics so i thought i'd see how he turned out, first week he stayed pale and hid in the plants, then he decided he likes it here and went like that one in the pic above, and started spending all his time at the front of the tank :)

Can't wait for more. He's bigger than 1cm now too, maybe 2cm with his tail?

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Oh thats mint Carly thank you. I have a mate that was breeding them but his stock of pairs feel in to his 6 foot oscar tank and where lunch in no time :cry:

Fell into his oscar tank? How does that happen? "Oops, I knocked my breeding pairs off the table into another tank?"

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Fell into his oscar tank? How does that happen? "Oops, I knocked my breeding pairs off the table into another tank?"

His fish room was tight in space 6 foot tank with lids is a good place to sit small breeding tanks to keep them warm untill one of the lids on the 6 foot oscar tank slipped and the two little tanks fell in.

I was shocked also.

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His fish room was tight in space 6 foot tank with lids is a good place to sit small breeding tanks to keep them warm untill one of the lids on the 6 foot oscar tank slipped and the two little tanks fell in.

I was shocked also.

Them oscars of his are crazy, they probably jumped into the lid to make it slip

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CPDs can look stunning in a small planted tank with good lighting.

There was a bunch that came through from the importers quite some time ago that were quite dull, but a couple of males flaring at each other are gives a good display, and they can be highly active.

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