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Accurate Phosphate Testing


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Here is the test results from the hannah color meter.

Solution 1 (0.05 mg) Solution 2 (0.10 mg) Solution 3 (0.25 mg) Solution 4 (1.0 mg)

Hanna photometer 1 0.13 mg 0.06 mg 0.38 mg 1.16 mg

Hanna photometer 2 0.14 mg 0.11 mg 0.42 mg 1.19 mg

It is not that accurate after all. Back to test kits.

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lets do a double blind test then

I use my colorimeter, you use the deltec test kit

Am more then happy to front up in front of anyone and prove the colorimeter is a more accurate way to test then intrepretation of colors....

I am not saying that a colorimeter is perfect, just better then a hobby test kit. you have not proved how repeatable the deltec test is in the above results, and you could only do this if you did not know the strength of the solution, otherwise you may be biased... apply the science, double blind test please. there is no point debating this further, its just what you say vs what I say. this is pointless.

next reef club meeting lets have a test off!

we each test the same sample twice, have 3 samples, and neither of us know the actual sample solution.....

There are some here Alois who would accuse you of commercial bias, as you commercially represent the test kits you promote. A testoff would do a lot to prove that you really believe in them. People would respect your confidence, and I guess if it was as accurate as you promote increase your sales......

that should provide some scientic results that all here can interprit how they like.

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The Detec/Merck test kit is accurate i gave you the resuts done in Germany.

But it cost 1/4 of the price of a color meter. I though is might interest you as you always are looking for cheap stuff or free. Have you thought about making a DIY test kit so we can all save money.

It is made by merck who who supply labs around the world , The test kit cost over $350 when branded under Merck.

I dont have any interest in the test kit as i dont sell it. Just because i promote something does not mean i sell it.

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Pics of photo meter and Deltec test kit.

the photo meter is a bit of a pain as you have to wait 3 mins to get a result, also have to do a few other things to get a result.

The merck kit is way better and only takes about 1 min to get a result,

still think the salifert kit is more than good enough , even though it is hard to read

It just comes down on how big a wallet you have.


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I have already done tests.

Both read about he same but the DELTEC test kit is cheaper and i could do 3 test compared to the hannah meters one.

Does it really matter if you phostphates are .1 or .14 etc, the fact you get a reading on any test kit means you have high phostphates.

Phostphates can be about .1ppm in soft coral tanks, but if keeping acropora zero phostphates is a must.

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the importance of accurate test results, even at micro levels is so the the early developement of a trend can be detected.

Any element of control/feedback is based on measurement.

The difference between 0.1 and 0.14 is of course 40%, quite a difference if your corals require 0.0 and not that bad if two weeks earlier you had 0.16 It allows you to have confidence that your phosphate removal method is working or needs tuning.

And that is why i find the hobby tests so difficult, they give you the confidence that you don't have much phosphate, but because they are so difficult to read they give you no ability to accurately monitor or analyse a trend, as the interpritation element of the result is larger then the change you are trying to detect.

Colorimeters do, like any test, have an error element, however THE human element is taken away, meaning that accurate scientific testing and trend analysis can be achieved.

Again, this meter cost me $300, cost per test around $0.30 shared between 2-3 people the meter represents better value then any hobby test kit can.

I will bring it along to the next reef club meeting anyway, I am sure lots of people would be interested in seeing it operate... in time I suspect, the full range of aquarium parameters will be measurable via accurate colorimeter testing.

further questions

Here is the test results from the hannah color meter.

Solution 1 (0.05 mg) Solution 2 (0.10 mg) Solution 3 (0.25 mg) Solution 4 (1.0 mg)

Hanna photometer 1 0.13 mg 0.06 mg 0.38 mg 1.16 mg

Hanna photometer 2 0.14 mg 0.11 mg 0.42 mg 1.19 mg

It is not that accurate after all. Back to test kits.

how did you create your sample solutions, why only test once. not enough data to establish if meter is correct, most of us test our tanks weekly, and do a retest if anything is way up/out.

Where is the Deltec test results to compare its accuracy. By you please not some marketing guy in Germany. We want to establish how accurate these tests are in a typical situation, not in a german lab.

I am to be honest still not happy with you response so far.

1st rubish the cost of the colorimeter.

2nd insist hobby test kit is more accurate.

3rd produce results from only colorimeter.

lets just test some peoples actual tank water!

with both methods.

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Where is the Deltec test results to compare its accuracy.

Merck test kit

.05mg .10mg 025mg 1 mg(sample solution)

.092 .10 mg .25mg 1mg

.092 .14mg .25 mg 1mg

.046 .098mg .25 mg 1mg


prepared four solutions with different phosphate concentrations. Exact contents of the individual solutions were only it well-known.

Thus the test persons did not know before how much phosphate in the respective solution were present.

Everyone of the test persons had to read off and after the indicated color interpret each test

All the test were done by advanced hobbyist with more than 12 months experiance.

insist hobby test kit is more accurate.

Were did i say this ???

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How do we know what was said was breaking the rules? Maybee the 'moderators' removed it for their own comercial interests? I guess we will never know.


I told you before. I'm telling you again and everyone who uses this forum. It's a hobby! The FNZAS has NO commercial interest. I have NO commercial interest!

I'm getting so p'd off with these suggestions of hidden agendas etc etc. I'm very close to shutting this whole thing down.

Posts that contain attacks on people, organisations or companies will be removed without warning, without explanation. Those are the rules and every one knows it.

If you don't trust me and the other moderators to work by those rules please don't bother to visit this site again.

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