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Two little Kribs in the tank, no sharp objects. Only a 27L tank but he seemed to be staying out of their way.

Was it them or is it fin rot?

Dosed 6 drops of Bettafix in a 500ml container. Hoping it's not fin rot and hope he gets better :(

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He may have been swimming around fine yesterday but still have finrot, this happened with me a couple iof times, they're swimming around fine so you don't look very closely until they're floating on the surface nearly dead and you notice they have finrot :-?

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Since I emptied the 3 footer on Saturday. The female occupied the cave (which my Betta rarely uses) and the "male" stayed far away. They seemed to stay away from ea other.

I just fed my Betta a few bloodworms in his container but it's been all flakes since Saturday. The Kribs did seem to colour up when I put them in the tank though.

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Is the semale krib still in the cave? If so you could tank the cave apart or shine a light in there and see if theres eggs in there. If you're sure the fighter was fine before then it has to be the kribs that are attacking him.

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