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I found an injured bird


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...and being the sucker I am - I rescued it.

poor thing has what appears to be a broken wing and has a bunged eye. im surprised its alive really.

very sweet little thing though. I ve given it some honey and lorikeet wet mix which is corn and a whole lot of nectar like stuff - that provided some energy.

he also ate a wax moth larva :D (which i actually chewed :o and then shoved down his throat). (only then did i remember that i could have squished it in my palm).

He spends the night in the hot water cupboard all nice and warm. so hopefully he survives the night.

what sort of finch is it?

it is a finch eh?




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I hope your new found friend does well. keep us updated on it progress :D

I sure will.

oh and we fed ours finch seed and puha, he got really friendly too :)

seeds... hmm. he is pretty stupid as most baby birds are so will he eat seeds if they just sit there? (personally I'd only go for something that wiggled)

and you actually chewed on a waxmoth :o :o :-? :o

LOL. it was the only thing i could think of at the time. it tasted sweetish. Dixon shares the same viewpoint as you :lol:

Also are you sure it doesn't have some kind of eye infection??

yeh. he got the saline treatment. tomorrow ill put some oxytetracycline ointment on his eye.

Baby food should be good too. If he's sitting calmly in your hand like that he's probably practically dead. Our Rosella that was hit by a train was like that, but she managed to survive.

yeh. he looked practically dead. you know the sort - he had random bursts of energy. high energy food should help with that hopefully.

I don't normally mess with nature, but seeing as he looks like he is in such a state I'd rather he died calmly and peacefully than out in the cold. That's if he dies.

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naah it went squish the minute i chewed on it.

he is not a tiny baby, but is still young. he has his baby fluff in some places. ill have to inspect his wing and fix it when he gets a little better.

he also has dried blood over his nostrils and beak. i presume he went smack into a window, but he does not know how to fly .

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Being a young seed eater, perhaps its best to feed him they same way it's mother would.

I'm thinking mashed cereals via a syringe

That's why baby food is frequently used for injured and sick birds.:) No extra sugar, salt, etc, easy to digest.

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can't really do much else

if it maks it through the night you have won 1/2 the battle

shock and interbal injuries are the big killers

the eye and blood in nostrils possibly suggest a good bang on the noggin

so it is a waiting game to see if it can recover itself

warmth quiet and a bit of energy which you have done :hail:

ps a bit of marmite in warm water can work to restore vitB which birds use up when under stress

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ps a bit of marmite in warm water can work to restore vitB which birds use up when under stress

Did not know that! :o:hail:

There shall be no Marmite in my drawers. only he real Vegemite works with me hahahha. he shall get some of that tomorrow.

how much are we talking, (little by my standards is a massive load on a bit of toast that most people would never eat_).

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:o LOL

the birds are not allowed near each other until i can make sure the wild creature that i have not named yet, is disease free.

Im considering calling him gremlin cause he is green.

if i can make him healthy ill try giving him to a local bird aviary thing called the esplanade here in palmy. big enclosures, and he will be happier flying around the place.

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