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Hypancistrus or Panaque fry?


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I'm bouncing off the walls this morning.

I was doing my normal walk around the tanks when i spotted a small group of fry.

This was not supposed to happen yet.

I thought that these fish were way to young too breed so are in a catfish community tank to grow on untill they reach breeding maturity.(another year or so I thought)

I never saw any eggs or any sign of breeding activity but having said that I wasn't expecting any breeding so I wasn't paying the tank much attention.

These guys are about 1cm long and frankly I'm embarrassed that i didn't spot them earlier

The occupants of the tank are L104, L066 and L270.

I'm certain that I have both sexes of the L066 and L270 but I am not certain about the L104.

I have an idea of who dunit , What do you guys think ?



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OMG OMG OMG!!!! :D :bounce: :hail: congrats!

its still a bit early to definitively tell but i would bet on the L270.

failing which L066.

but time will tell the difference with the 2.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I am officially so happy! :D

PS- failing which it will be the clowns. This fence is sooo hard to sit on :lol:

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OMG OMG OMG!!!! :D :bounce: :hail: congrats!

its still a bit early to definitively tell but i would bet on the L270.

failing which L066.

but time will tell the difference with the 2.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I am officially so happy! :D

PS- failing which it will be the clowns. This fence is sooo hard to sit on :lol:

Fence!?--Thats a Mountain range you've sitting on mate!

As with Ilah as not hypan, and the clowns are the only ones who are mature enough to breed.

Great news-Get a bamboo cave in there and get us some more!

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its called being diplomatic. I thought I'd try it for a while. looks like ive miserably failed at it.

KP_ breed some more!!!!!!!!!

Ive called shotgun waaaaay long ago.

Now that I know i have a breeding group I plan to set the tank up a bit better and remove all the other pleco's.

With a bit of luck there will be plenty of clowns to go around in the near future :D

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Good stuff bro!

I too am going with L104 Maccus, save me a girl!...pimp daddy! 8)

Thanks mate.

I had to move their tank 3 feet to the left about 6 weeks ago.

I didn't want to dismantle it so i just removed 90% of the water and slid it across.

I refilled the tank straight from the tap as we are on rainwater and it was quite a few degrees lower than the normal tank temp.

I recon that may have been the trigger.

Now to try and repeat the spawning :D

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