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can you please unlock the discounted corals thread


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sorry re sp? but thats the one!

Reef- by my calcs the rise in frieght cost due to fuel prices be more then off setting the cost of the product in USD.......

question Reef - Do you beleive that LFS are pricing at fair levels?

perhaps you not answer some questions also :D


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Please don't shoot the messenger (Cees ducks, and looks around to see if it is safe).

The saltwater forum is I think now the most popular forum on the site! great!

To assist the occasional visitor and the novice saltwater aquarist can I ask you guys and gals to please please start a new topic when the topic of discussion changes. That will make it is easier and more useful for everyone to follow what's being discussed.

I am aware that the site as a whole suffers from 'topic-drift' and I might post a sitewide announcement/request about it.

This is in no way an attempt to muffle the discussion on "you know what".

It would be nice to see seperate topics on

- koran angle (oops make that angel)

- skimmers, keeping stuff alive

- buying a business in Auckland (hmmm, maybe on topic)

- marine tank, build your tank up slowly

- the age of clown fishes

etc etc

missed opportunities I think

Cees ducks again and runs for cover

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To assist the occasional visitor and the novice saltwater aquarist can I ask you guys and gals to please please start a new topic when the topic of discussion changes. That will make it is easier and more useful for everyone to follow what's being discussed.

find the button that looks like this


ignore this one



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outlay to start a import commercially 20k

possible return per year 60+ very nice little margin biz

Totally off the mark. If i even did half of that i would be really happy.

pointless getting into costings as you will turn it around again to suit your needs.

Do you beleive that LFS are pricing at fair levels?

absolutley the prices are fair, why discount when hobbyist go in and choose the best items and then leave them with the rest. They will discount if you buy more.

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why discount when hobbyist go in and choose the best items and then leave them with the rest

not to be rude reef but wouldnt you do the same?

i know i want the best livestock possible and thats why i dont complain unless prices are very exagerated like 100$ for a small clown (which happens here in hamilton)

its up to the suppliers to ensure that they stay with the market trends because otherwise they will not sell what they bring in

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Easy fix for this. Don't bring in (or if your a shop buy) anything but the best items. Problem solved.

hahaha , i can answer it but what for, its all been covered over and over and over etc etc .

not to be rude reef but wouldnt you do the same?

yes i would, so that is why i justify the pricing for what shop charges,

The rest of the stock normally sells over 3-4 weeks.

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I have lots and lots of tanks to play with now so I am happy. If I spend the next ten years importing, Great :D

or ten years chopping up corals great :D

Maybe I will breed fish and farm phyto( this is a real interest)

I Love this hobby, expensive,Yes :D

Frustrating, at times :(

But not worth getting really shitty about or raising the blood pressure over.

In six months all this nonsence that is playing out will be over. Please let it happen sooner,

So all follow me

Relax 8)

Relax 8)

Deep Breath

Deep Breath

Karma is Karma

Karma is Karma

Thats the last from me i have achieved enlightenment on this thread


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this is a commercial thread, needs moving in the freshwater section

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:26 pm Post subject:


I have lots and lots of tanks to play with now so I am happy. If I spend the next ten years importing, Great

or ten years chopping up corals great

Maybe I will breed fish and farm phyto( this is a real interest)

I Love this hobby, expensive,Yes

Frustrating, at times

But not worth getting really shitty about or raising the blood pressure over.

In six months all this nonsence that is playing out will be over. Please let it happen sooner,

So all follow me



Deep Breath

Deep Breath

Karma is Karma

Karma is Karma

Thats the last from me i have achieved enlightenment on this thread


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Couldn't resist any longer......it's just so compelling.

Although our government believe we are a world power, I am afraid to inform you we are not. I'm no economist but i do beleive there is a thing called economy of scale. Judging by the talk on this thread we all seem aware of it.

So, I guess it safe to say we would all agree that both the US and UK have a larger economy of scale than NZ.

The internet is bringing some interesting dynamics to the economy. NZ's can benifit through the US and UK on-line internet shops which are propped up by the population of their home land, seeing as they ship everthing anyway, it's not a big deal for them to ship overseas.

Bear in mind though, LFS in the US have a hard time competing with these on-line shops. If you go into the business yourself of importing, these on-line shops become your competitors too!

As far as importing live stock, I imagine NZ orders will be the lowest priority, and untill you establish a good relationship with your wholesaler i would say all you would get is the left overs. I know of an importer, now out of business that had some orders arrived that were quite different to what was order and paid for.

So how does this affect prices, heck too complicated for me to work out.

Good luck to those who want to give it a spin.

I must admit I very interested in seeing how Nick/Steve business turns out and the sort of prices they charge. I imagining a whole lot of trade-me action going on.

Nick, you made a comment that NZ prices are quite low, would you care to quantify that statement? ie. quite low compared to...... NZ price a couple of years ago, UK LFS prices, US LFS prices?

I haven't really noticed in great change since the last time I was keeping a Reef, but my memory a pretty bad (probable a good thing). The only thing that stands out to me is the price of Yellow Tangs (I bought my first and only yellow tang for $55 6-7 years ago)

More high end equipment is now available in NZ aimed for the Reefer, quite suprising considering the market size, and the money involved in holding low turn over and relatively high cost stock on a shop floor.

As for super-profits that people are making on these items and livestock, I don't see the run of the mill corner pet shop cashing in on selling marines. It is only the larger / specialist or shops owned by marine enthisasts that are into it.

All interesting stuff......

Be interesting to see how these private quarantine ideas pan out.

I for one, at the end of the day like to physically see what I'm spending my money on. If everthing ends up on-line, this could be difficult for me, if the LFS closes down, what would i do on sundays?

Enough of this, I'm off for a cup of coffee....

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according to companies.govt.nz, the name is reserved at least :D

Reserved at least yes but when was it reserved as you only have 20 days to incorperate it, Hell I have a company name reserved and I dont even intend on starting up the company (completely different industry) it only costs 10 dollars and can be done for any number of reasons eg, proving to the ird your current company is investigating a different industry to justify spending mony on a hobby

not trying to upset anyone just wanted to put my 5 cents worth in :)

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likewise, i have reserved and incorporated 3 companies that i manage. its not hard to do - hence why i said it's "reserved at least" - meaning at least he made a start. i dont believe nick made any comment about actively importing yet "...in the near future" was mentioned I believe.

Shall we start up a "company forum" thread to appease the moderators? or how about we drop this bullshit of slandering others on specific details of their replies and get back to the topic in question?

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