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Is Dropsy the only thing that would cause the "pinecone effect"

I have a harlequin Rasbora that is looking like a pinecone, he/she seems happy otherwise, swimming normally and eating

I was horrified to read in another thread that it can be caused by too many blood worms? :o

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Dropsy is the sign you see from water retention caused by kidney failure which can be from a number of causes, all of which for practical purposes can be considered incurable. Unless you know the cause it is very hard to treat and by the time it is looking like a pine cone it is too late.

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I have fed heaps of frozen and live bloodworms to newts, fish and baby turtles for years without any problems. Tubifex worms could be a problem, but what we used to feed in large quantities live a few years back as tubifex were actually blackworms (lumbriculus variegatus).

I think tubifex are available frozen but I have not used them.

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I think the most humane way is to throw the fish rapidly onto a hard surface like a concrete path. Depending on the cause of course, it can be infectious and you may want to treat the remainder with an antibiotic like furan. I don't usually bother because as stated earlier it is hard to know what you are treating for. It is worth doing a good water change and making sure your water conditions are good.

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Thanks for all the help, I find it so hard to "hurt" my fish :( in the past I have got my partner to deal with it for me but he is at work and will not be home til late tonight so I will just have to suck it up , put my big girl undies on and do it :( After I have taken my son to school though cos he will be very upset too :(

Will do a big water change this after that

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hehehe big girl undies. Aww, I feel for you bedazzled. I too used to have my partner "deal" to the poor sick fishies, but have recently learned to suck it up and have euthanised a couple of fish this year.

its for the best.

I just can't do it when my son is around lol he never shows that much interest in the tank but he knows if some one is missing :P

so I guess I have some explaining to do when he gets home, could just tell him the severum must of eaten it lol ....... joking

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Give him his big boy undies and hit him with the truth

Here is my suggested conversation:

You: Hey boy come here...

Child (sorry I dont remember his name): Yes mum what would you like

You: Fish was sick so mum killed him...

note: You will never need to worry about him wanting a day off school because he is sick ever again

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Good On you bedazzled you've definitely done the right thing, how ever hard it was too do, it obviously needed to be done.

You need to explain to your Son that just like Animals that get sick, Fishys get sick too, so Mr Fishy has now gone to Fishy Heaven.

Good Luck :wink:

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Tell him it has taken advantage of cheap fares and gone to Aus for a holiday. After a few days post a postcard to your son, from the fish, telling him it has decided it likes Aus so much it has decided to stay :lol:

LMAO too funny :lol: :lol:

Give him his big boy undies and hit him with the truth

Here is my suggested conversation:

You: Hey boy come here...

Child (sorry I dont remember his name): Yes mum what would you like

You: Fish was sick so mum killed him...

note: You will never need to worry about him wanting a day off school because he is sick ever again


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Good On you bedazzled you've definitely done the right thing, how ever hard it was too do, it obviously needed to be done.

You need to explain to your Son that just like Animals that get sick, Fishys get sick too, so Mr Fishy has now gone to Fishy Heaven.

Good Luck :wink:

lol just got home from school and as he walked past the tank.... what do ya know, he noticed there was a fish missing :roll:

Told him it was very sick and died, didn't think he needed to know that I killed it.

Although he was there when my Mum had her old dog put to sleep so he does understand that when animals get sick sometimes it is kinder to put them out of their misery

Or you could tell him that a meteor came flying through the window and killed the fish! :o

LOL I like this one too :lol:

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Sounds like it went well for you then :wink:

I dont think he needs to now how it got to Fishys Heaven either :roll:

Not that well lol he cried and said it wasn't fair :( I distracted him with a cookie and cartoons :roll: Bet it will come up again when it is home work time :lol:

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Well hay lets Face it, ANY Excuse to get out of doing Homework, to be honest I don't blame him.

If I had my way there would be NO such thing as Homework.

LOL problem is he is only 5, imagine the battle I will have on my hands in 10 years time lol

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Hehe :lol:

I had 4 Boys in 5 Years, believe me Homework times were just Awful, always had somebody kicking up a Stink because they didn't want to do it :roll:

Now my Boys are nearly all grown up aging form 21 to 16, so homework isn't as much of an issue anymore :bounce:

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Hehe :lol:

I had 4 Boys in 5 Years, believe me Homework times were just Awful, always had somebody kicking up a Stink because they didn't want to do it :roll:

Now my Boys are nearly all grown up aging form 21 to 16, so homework isn't as much of an issue anymore :bounce:

Lucky you!

My boy is not one that likes to sit still for long lol so we try and keep it short and sweet or he just switches off :roll:

Nearly home work time now lol wish me luck :P

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