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Teflon Toxic to Birds?!


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remember not to be paranoid about it.. lol.

you may want to clip said bird's wings to make sure he doesn't sit on a tree like rusty. cause some birds refuse to fly down back to the ground and demand to be picked up from the tallest trees they can find :evil:


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We have an extractor fan? over the stove top. We cook with gas so I wouldn't have Bird on my shoulder.

I'm pretty sure Bird already has it's wings clipped and we have lots of windows, almost as many as walls. Hopefully Budgies are smart...

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when we got our tiel we went out and got a stainless steel fry pan to be on the safe side..

but my parrot breeder friend in the USA says her parrot room is right next to her kitchen, with nothing but a screen between. She breeds parrots worth thousands of dollars and still cooks with Teflon coated pans. She said she you ahev to really burn the pan before it;s dangerous and has never lost a bird yet from teflon fumes.

I use other cooking equipment with teflon.. sandwich grill, waffle maker etc and it's fine . Just anything new I open up the windows really well and heat up the item quite hot to let any residue evaporate .. that new smell you get with most cooking things.

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you may want to clip said bird's wings to make sure he doesn't sit on a tree like rusty. cause some birds refuse to fly down back to the ground and demand to be picked up from the tallest trees they can find :evil:


lol.. i had a friend who hired a helicoptor to search for their cockatoo.. and then had to get a cherry picker to retrieve the darn thing from a tall tree in the forest . yep.. they had money to burn!

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As long as it's not Teflon! :lol:

The sites I was reading sounded super paranoid about it, like it was Avian Flu or something. Guess it's not THAT bad now.

There's a lot of that on the internet. "Feed your fish frozen food without defrosting it first and they will DIE! Range check your RC plane at 20 paces instead of 30 and you will crash and KILL SOMEONE. Charge a lithium battery inside and it will burn your house down and KILL YOUR KIDS! Let your cat near your kids and it will EAT YOUR BABIES! Drive 5 kph over the limit and you will MURDER SOMEONE!"

And so on.

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I paid for Budgie and shipping last night, when do you think the payment will show up?

I'm hoping before tomorrow afternoon because that's when the bird's supposed to be shipped.

Finger crossed

yesterday was sunday.

so if you sent the payment online, then it will be processed tonight at or after 8pm and show up in the account tomorrow morning.

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