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Animates "Pimp Your Tank" competition: Winners?


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It's been running for over a year now, firstly without pressurized CO2 and nutrients (apart from flourish excel) for most of the year. Only recently has it been running on CO2 and additional ferts.

Tank size: 48x26x26cm glass aquarium 32 litres or about 8 gallons

List of plants: Anubias barteri 'Nana', Java moss, java fern, star grass, dwarf hair grass, Bacopa monnieri, Rotala Macrandra 'NARROW LEAF'

Fish: Betta splendon

equipment: upaqua pressurized CO2 with limestone diffuser, jager 50watt heater, ehiem 2213 cannister filter,

decorative materials: driftwood, inert gravel

lighting: 2x 15watt, 8000k, 10000k

Ferts; using API's plant zone and NPK


Betta is hiding in the top left corner


The betta that resides in this tank :D

Any comments welcome :bounce:

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Wow, that's nice. Looks much bigger than it really is! Great balance of colour, scale and layout. Much deserving of #1.

Here's my entry, I got a call today telling me that I've won 2nd prize and I can pick the tank and vouchers up from Animates Tower Junction on Sunday



Various Crypts

Dwarf sagittaria

Windelov Java fern

Normal Java fern

Indian Fern



2 Sparkling Gouramis

1 Female Bristlenose pleco

1 Whiptail catfish


0.5ml Flourish Excel every second day

0.5ml Flourish Comprehensive every fourth day


Stock AquaOne AR-380

9 hours light daily

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Hey guys,

Thank you for the comments :)

Romeo; Thats some nice greens you got going on there :o i think my lighting make my greens look too yellow

A-town; I get my 1 kg CO2 bottle refilled at FireCorp in onehunga. I think the last time i refilled it, it was abt $15 or $20

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:o What did I miss?! :bounce:


Nice tanks! Congrats to the winners! :hail:

Too late, I saw it :evil:

Don't worry Whetu, it was not something you would want to see....

Congrats on the tanks and placings, they look great, now why doesn't anyone submit full tank shots for POTM?

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