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Juwel Vs Aqua One


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Sorry for the late reply, but I've had a large bowfront tank before and its not that great. I think it does warp the view just a bit, and the tank looked a bit smaller then it really was.

thumb_smiley-vault-signs-067.gif The flat looks nice and I like having a clean crisp line for the edges. I know that sounds strange but I like the corners on tanks. I think they make them look bigger for some reasion

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how many litres is the 850 and wow lucky you

and the lights are neat aye

It is supposed to be 165 L but my measurements are 84 cm H x 45 cm H x 40 cm D which would make it more like 151 L. It looks great, I am actually really impressed! :bounce:

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I just cut the piece where the Inlet goes into the Hood Bigger, and the piece on the Back of the Hood where the Hoses go bigger too, used a Stanley Knife and a pair of pliers.

On mine there are no holes in the back it is just a tray with holes in the bottom. :-? At the moment, I have taken the lids off of either end of the trickle tray and just poked the inlet and outlet hoses over the top and through the holes in the bottom. Seems to be working and I still have the trickle filter components intact in case I need to use it one day. Lyndyloo, I think I read somewhere else that you are using the trickle filter as well? Are you using the powerhead in addition to the canister, or just pumping the outlet water from the canister through the trickle tray media? If I end up using the trickle filter in addition to the canister I may need to think of another way to allow the inlet hoses in so that I can keep the lids on to reduce evaporation.

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If I remember rightly, we had to slice a small piece out of the First Hood Lid to allow for the Lid to close properly once the inlet and outlet pipes had been run into the Tank.

The Trickle Feed part of the Tank Filter is now filled with Filter Wool, I have the Spray Bar of the CF1200 sitting on top of the Filter Wool.

Then the Water just runs though the Outlet Pipe.

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I have a jewel rio and it's great, easy to clean, looks great, hidden heater - the light won't electrocute you if you acciedently drop in the water :oops:

But the only hassle with them is the big huge box filter in them, which can't come out - a real pain when you need to catch fish ie. kuhli loaches - the fishes gets around the back, underneath and in the filter

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But the only hassle with them is the big huge box filter in them, which can't come out - a real pain when you need to catch fish ie. kuhli loaches - the fishes gets around the back, underneath and in the filter

I know what you mean, the nice Juwel display tank that is set up at my local Animates has heaps of 'gunk' between the filter and the glass. I have to admit, that put me off a bit especially since the internal filter also takes up so much room in the tank...

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