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5ft african tank photos- new pics added 25/09/09


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still a bit cloudy but all my fish are in there and loving it

tank is 5ftx2ftx2ft so 530l before anything went into it but considerably less now the background is in

i built the hood myself it houses a 150w 10k metal halide. filtration is 1 cf2200 and a jebo 819 filled with course calcite and dolomite sand for some buffering the outlet of this runs a small fluidised bed filter before returning to the tank .

there is a 3000lph wavemaker running in the top right hand corner this agitates the surface so i get nice ripples of light across the bottom the heater is hidden behind the backgrond with the filter intakes its a jager 300w.

heres some pics of the fish not the best photos as i havent cleaned the outside of tank and the cloudy water .


lionhead male ,big electric yellow male, small nimbochromis livingstonii , some kribs and an unknown peacock


red shoulder peacock male , sunshine peacock male, kadango male, big yellow again


red shoulder , kadango no 2 , blue melanochromis (johanni or maingano?), male auratus, male jewel , male convict

ps this is what happened to the old cichlid tank(which yes i only set up ealier this year)


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Looking good :) I have tried kribs in my african tanks and they didn't last though :( The livingstonii will certainly think of them as a nice snack when he gets a bit bigger so would watch them..

they aren't being bothered at the moment by anything , but yes im keeping a eye on them it tends to be the blue melanochromis that does the damage also sometimes the dominant kadango but they only pick on my peacocks ! , the 1s i have at the moment are holding up well fingers crossed ive got a prime pink and a marble peacock that didnt make the photos since ive added them the chasing isnt directed at the 1 fish . i understand the livingsonii will get huge will have to keep an eye on his temperament , ive also got 2 malawi eyebiters that will get rather large too! but i have to say my favourite fish of the lot is the red shoulder i found him listed as a blue zebra on tm, he was in a rio 180 with a small oscar and a convict and a jewel which where all scared of him!

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yep got a cheap wavemaker , the MH is a 14000K 150w and im running two 28w blue tubes i will get around to taking photos without flash in next few days. the fry are some aulonocara marlieri that i brought: light coloured ones are male, the darker ones are female bigger males soon to colour up

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mh and blue tubes (bare in mind in my eye it looks a lot brighter than in the photos these are the ones with out flash and in a dark room.

also bare in mind the blue tubes are shop fitting tubes not marine blues, the signifigant difference being no UV output. but a similar colour.


14000k mh only no blue tubes, you can see the difference in the blue colour on the fish it stands out more in the first photo


this photo is blue tubes going only it appears to be a lot darker than what it is in real life , to me these tubes in this wattage on this tank would be overkill for just a moonlight effect. the red part is a reflection.


as for the light ripple effect of the metal halides its hard to capyure with a photo could try a short video if somebody wants to see it just let me know

oh and p.s. im pretty sure the plant is a sagiteria of some sort :wink: but i dont want to be corrected if its not

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