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Pet Expo - chch

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**cough** I think it will be worth it!

I'll admit that maybe i am slightly biased in my opinion tho :oops: The Totally Tanked crew have been plotting and scheming for months in regards to the Pet expo site we are hosting.

Other than Donna and her Turtles, i am not sure what other fishy stuff will be there tho.

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**cough** I think it will be worth it!

I'll admit that maybe i am slightly biased in my opinion tho :oops: The Totally Tanked crew have been plotting and scheming for months in regards to the Pet expo site we are hosting.

Other than Donna and her Turtles, i am not sure what other fishy stuff will be there tho.

will you be taking muppet? or does he not like crowds?

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Badly behaved critters do not get the opportunity to come to the expo. :lol: I believe DonnaM can vouch for that too. A couple of her turtles have proven to be phenomenonly (sp) persistant at escaping the pond,and thus are being sent home.

Muppet would be freaked out by all the excitement. She couldn't even handle being introduced to Gaara the Blue tounge lizard the other day.

Caryl - the word "Article" has been mentioned and as for photos..........(is this classed as thread jacking?)


STEP 1. Take one blank site...


STEP 2. Make the walls pretty.


STEP 3. Throw in some furniture.


STEP 4. Begin installing tanks. (helpful if tanks magically appear by themselves!)


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STEP 5. Put pictures and posters etc on the pretty walls to hide them! lol


STEP 6. Add more tanks and fill with water. (Leaky tanks don't seem to be as effective and are annoying to deal with at 10.30pm)


STEP 7. Lights! so everyone can see how awesome your fish are.


STEP 8. Install fish and plants and finishing touches.


STEP 9. To be completed tomorrow..... ADD PEOPLE!!

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I also took photos of the development of DonnaMs Turtle Rescue site.

Donna and company lining walls with large fiberglass pond in the foreground.


Arranging the furniture.


Can only be described as posing for the paparazzi.


The advantage of being graciously given an additional day to set up meant that everyone else got distracted by us as they tried to set up themselves the next day.


Basking on the island


Attempting to escape (AGAIN). and being egged on by one of the other girls. This girl spent ALL day inspecting each corner of the pond and would occasionally succeed in climbing out. I picked her up a couple of times and she would just sit on my hand relaxed. She couldn't stand being in the pond where she couldn't see what was going on!


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I hope you made up business cards or leaflets to hand out to punters interested in joining.

Yes we have very beautifully designed leaflets to hand out and i already had an email from snakekid when i got home!

We have the only site representing fish at the show and an excellent variety of species to display. Not just fish but axolotl, newts, an albino frog, Gaara the blue tongue lizard, and the fish (betta, angels, jewel cichlids, guppies, platys, tetras, corys, gouramis, killies)

Gaara has been incredibly popular. Poor fella deserves a DB :lol:

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Well the expo went really well! Heaps of people were fascinated with juju (loopy's giant gourami) not to mention her axolotyl.

Thank you heaps to everyone who has helped us with the expo :hail::bow::hail::bow:

We had alot of interest in the club as well and we have already had at least one new person join up, so hopefully next months meeting will have alot of new faces :lol:

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The Pet Expo went really well for us. It was very tiring having to smile all day & answer the same questions over & over & over again. Really fun though, especially when talking to people who had fish themselves.

I like how those setup photos make it look like I'm the only one doing any work :lol:

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lol A case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I have a mean headache :-? The last 4 days have caught up with me! Gaara huffs at me heaps if i try to get him out. maybe he has a headache too? he is curled up sleeping now.

Couldn't have done it without heaps of generous help; Mainly all our wonderful club members!!! :hail: A huge amount of time has been given up by members to setup, design, scout for support, plan, and man the site. :hail:Redwood Aquatics get a huge :hail: for their donations, and the Critter Kingdom/Sean team for their generous support. And living displays for the magical appearance and disappearance of goldfish displays :hail:

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