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Aquarium Rocks?


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Where can I/do you get rocks for your aquarium from?

They only sell schist at my LFS and I want some like those in Mr. Amano's nature aquariums.

Do I go to some landscaping place or something?

Try your local stream ,put them in hot water and clean lots and they should be fine.

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Where can I/do you get rocks for your aquarium from?

They only sell schist at my LFS and I want some like those in Mr. Amano's nature aquariums.

Do I go to some landscaping place or something?

Yeah, landscaping places are good.

There's also this really big shop called "Outside." They have excellent prices and seperate aisles for nice rounded river rocks, another things like schist and generally a great selection of other types of rocks scattered around the store.

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They only sell schist at my LFS and I want some like those in Mr. Amano's nature aquariums.


I meant I have heaps of schist.

Thanks for the advice. I picked up some rocks down at a beach a while back but now they look ugly.

Might have to go back some time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Also see some sort of plant at my local stream/creak/trickle"

Beware of critters on plants. I've used wild sourced plants a number of times - clean them, chuck them into a 'quarantine' tank that I have under a tree, clean them again a few weeks later and use them. Now I have hydra in one of my ponds. The infestation isn't bad, but it's there, meaning I can no longer use plants from that pond elsewhere.

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