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Note to my black shark


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Dear black shark: If you even look at another one of the fish in the tank you're getting a trip to the freezer. The two adult green severums and polypterus you've killed over the last year or so are worth more than you are. :evil:

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It won't kill any more severums!

And it was intended to be in a tank with half a dozen full grown SA cichlids to dissipate any aggression. That didn't really work out...

Try a red tail. All the benefits of a black, except smaller :)

I have one in my SA tank. doesnt bother anyone. Always on patrol. Always scavenging.

And his name is Sharkishki :)

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Try a red tail. All the benefits of a black, except smaller :)

I have one in my SA tank. doesnt bother anyone. Always on patrol. Always scavenging.

And his name is Sharkishki :)

Red tails have a significantly worse reputation than black sharks.

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What did you do about the black shark Ira?


I attached his fins to jumper cables and then connected them to my car battery.

At least that's what he risks if he starts attacking my goldspot or redspot plecos. At the moment he and the single giant danio are the only non bottom feeders in the tank.

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Ira wrote:

I attached his fins to jumper cables and then connected them to my car battery.

:lol: :lol: Oh Ira, you should be a stand up comedian! So the shark has taken the threat seriously then...behaving himself!


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