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OMG .. OMG .. guess what!!!


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Thanks everyone .. I have bred afew fish now, but these guys i have been trying to breed for ages.

I only just took them out of the discus tank and put them in the hex tank with my new angels, geo & firemouth - to try and get them breeding and it worked - last night I knew something was happening cause the female was in the piece of wood with the male all snuggled up together

So YAH I'm so so happy :bounce: :bounce:

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Congrats and well done but the free swimming fry wont last long with the other tank mates.

I know - I have been thinking of taking the piece of wood the eggs are on and putting it into another tank by themselves and dad?

oh that looks so cute...... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: how long till they hatch..

5 days then another 5 days before they're free swimming

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I get excited when I wake up in the morning too. Proves I am still alive :lol:

How kind of them to put the eggs somewhere where it was easy to get such a nice photo! :wink:

:D I know lucky me huh

UPDATE:: Well I have just moved dad + eggs + wood and it was sooo easy dad stayed on wood put into bucket of water then carried them to there new tank then lifted wood and dad is happy as larry still fanning his eggs :D

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Nice. My BN's have only spawned twice.

First time I didn't even know until I saw the little yolksacks with fry attached.

Second time he made it a bit more obvious, sitting on the filter with a clutch of bright yellow eggs.

5 days then another 5 days before they're free swimming

Are you sure? Mine just hugged the filter and moved a little for the first two days but were out and about after that.

Good luck.

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Nice. My BN's have only spawned twice.

First time I didn't even know until I saw the little yolksacks with fry attached.

Second time he made it a bit more obvious, sitting on the filter with a clutch of bright yellow eggs.

Are you sure? Mine just hugged the filter and moved a little for the first two days but were out and about after that.

Good luck.

You're right there they were wriggling 2 days later now all over the tank - don't trust everything you read from google searches :o

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