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Moving into a flat....

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My partner and I are wanting to move into a place of our own soon (yay finally!!)

When any of you were flat/house hunting where was the best place to start?

Ive been looking on Trade Me and Real Estate websites most of them state no pets (cant live without my babies) or their bond is half and arm and leg!!!!

Any ideas ppl??? :bounce:

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TradeMe is your best bet, I'd just email the vendor and ask - as our place was strictly no pets. But whenever the landlord or inspector comes over they always comment on the wonderful fish and fierce Koura.

Avoid small rental type websites offering to liase on your behalf - IE: They have a list of properties on their website, which are also listed on TM. If you end up finding one on TradeMe and it just so happens to be listed on their small liason website, they end up sending you threatening emails demanding you pay them hundreds of dollars worth of "Finder's fees". They tried that on me and my partner and we sent them straight back an incredibly threatning lawyer-type email and they folded like a flan in a cupboard. Yeah, avoid at all costs.

Good luck though, it's hard to find the right place and don't settle for anything less than perfect. It took us months to find our dream place, they do exist, and they're generally listed poorly on TM ;P.

That said, my 20 year old mate just bought himself a HOUSE, so it's definitely a great time to buy if you've got the capital and income.

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Most rental agencies or landlords dont look upon fish as pets.

If only they new about the many spilt buckets etc.

I know someone who is a property manager for a rental agency , so when I need a new house I just ring him and he lets me know whats around and whats comming availabe. Ring a rental agency. They normally have lists you can view


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well i rent and if i want a house(that i think really suits me,and my two big dogsand everything else)i offer more rent

even if it $10 that $500 over one year (everyone likes more $$$)

theres only so much grass my dogs ware away(and i always put seed down throu the year)

and everytime i leave a rental its coz i want bigger or house on the market

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yeah we would love to buy, but neither of us have enough savings and it will be our first flat together. all the other places with have lived with others, so its gonna be the test of "us" just being us 2 in the flat. Wouldnt wanna buy and then it go wrong aye....not that it will, but its good to make sure :lol:

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Check local newspapers as well. It can be handy to rent direct without a property manager inbetween and theres no real estate fee (one weeks rent plus GST). Word of mouth is also good, put it out that you are looking. I was at my workplace a week and then a colleague said one of his properties was up for rent and would I be interested, so managed to get a house and just start paying rent without having to worry about bond, rent in advance etc.

Otherwise, trademe, check all local RE agencies etc, what you are doing basically

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not moving anymore....apparently we cant afford it and its better to live with a fat lazy person that does nothing. and to add more salt to the wound 1 of our flatmates is moving out, so now everything is split into 1/3. I could barely afford 1/4....and now its 1/3!!!

The lazy flat mate earns approx $1100 a week and says he has no money.

It doesnt worry him that we have to pay an extra $25 on our power bill (late fee - no discount) and an extra $7.50 on our phone bill (late fee), he just says "oh its only an extra $32.50, dont worry about it..... and he never does any cleaning (yes we have a cleaning roster!) when you bring out the vacuum cleaner or the mop & bucket and he leaves, goes out in his car and doesnt come back for the whole day, so he gets out of cleaning.

And everytime we bring it up he gets all angry and goes blah blah blah. Its really not worth it...

Wouldnt you feel like giving the guy a smack over the head??? argh!!!

Anyone having or had similar problems??

How did you deal with it??

Im going mad... i need to work out something so I dont have to commit myself to a madhouse, kill him or walk out!


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i sort of know how you feel

i have a clingon thats clung on for nearly 2yrs

i have a family and he rents a room


i clean his facal hair out of sink,shower

i have seen him use a vacum twice in one week when he had a gf

he washes his towel once a month if im lucky

drink more alcohol than anything else(fills a recycle wheely bin(those big ones)every 2week)

and if see me and partner cleaning he goes in his room

BUT he has a move out date(september)i cant wait :bounce:

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if i lived with lazy flatmates id move or get rid of them (if i was head tennant) moving house sux so id get rid of them. with the right advertising, trademe local paper etc its reasonably easy to find someone. and if you are the head tennant you have the option of choosing who gets the room(s). state the rules so to speak as you show the person round the house so they know what to expect. alot of people lie at this stage so sometimes hard to tell if someone is telling the truth

or have a flat meeting and voice your concern, with everyone else there may have some luck

nothings worse than coming home from a stressful day at work to a stressful home

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whats your limit(dont have to answer that)

does wins give you accomidation sup

you might safe money movin out(you control how lazy/striked power usage)

(thats what i cant wait for,i freeze so he can have an electic blanket and fan heater on all the time)

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Can't kick him out, its his name on the lease and its his grandmas home.

Flat meeting didnt work, we have had one already, he just gets really really angry (only does it when he knows hes wrong), talking to him doesnt change what hes not doing, it makes him worse, much much worse.

My partner is on ACC on an injury at the moment and I am earning approx $85 per week.

I am going to ring winz tomorrow and see what I can get.

Limit on what we want to spend on a house/flat, probably $100 each a week. We dont mind living with people as long as they arent lazy. Without our names on the lease my partner and I have no say in anything...

Yes i freeze (only sit with hot water bottle) so he can use the dryer ( he uses it everytime he does washing, even in the summer) he leaves all the lights on, uses a fan heater to heat his room, uses dehumidfier all the time. ARGH!!!!! im gonna go nuts!

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Can't kick him out, its his name on the lease and its his grandmas home.


i guess he feels on top of the world

i seen a few one bedrooms on tm for under $200 in nelson(i just dont no the good/bad areas)

then with lower power usage and smaller internet deal and coz its your rental you should get help it might be worth it(as in the money he pays doesnt pay you to clean up after him)

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hmm if thats the case i would move out, i have a strong dislike to people like him!!!

probably not a good idea but id match his behaiour, not clean etc, its his grandmas home surely she wouldnt let it get too out of control.

but then again since thats not a good idea moving out may be the best option. there are good flats out there, my 2 flatmates i have now were total strangers now we real good mates, almost 1.5 years there and not a single drama or fight or anything. rostered cleaning always done every 2 weeks, all cook and do dishes 2 nights a week for everyone etc

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Sounds like your only option is to move as he isn't going to change. With his name on the lease you are stuck. Talk to WINZ. You might end up with higher rent payments but you will save in lower bills for power etc. to off-set it.

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thanks all. its good to have a vent and realise that there are others out there having the same or similar problems. ppl like him need to go back to where he came from....and maybe in his next life he will come back as a toilet brush or a sewer rat...sounds good!

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and also factor in setup costs/bond etc for power companies, telephone etc, wasnt a terrible ammount of money but would have been a struggle to meet the cost. bond and rent in advance is also a killer also

the first flat i lived in at 17 we had cellphones so no telephone line or internet, no fancy sky tv or anything just the basics and once we were setup living was relativley cheap.

rent power and food was all we had to pay for

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yeah id love to just pay for the simple things. I dont need all the fancy crap.

Until last week ALL our bills were overdue, by atleast 1 month some were even more (possibly 3 months).

Power $270

Phone+internet $ 170

Sky $ 180 ( 2 months overdue)

Can Plan $60

and our food bill is anywhere in between $180 to $300 a week. and all the food goes....

this is THE MOST expensive place I have had to live in

oh plus $300 a week for rent....

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paul_r : Sounds like you have it all sorted with your Flatmates, go on ya, we need more responible people out there like you, I think.

pufferfishnz: Sounds to me like he's a Sewer Rat in this Life :evil:

Quite often WINZ will help you out, as in Bond Money to get into a Flat, you just have to pay it back at some ridiculous amount a week.

I remember going to WINZ a few years back, received this Huge Power Bill, had to pay it back at $5 a week untill it was paid back.

Good Luck whatever the outcome maybe

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WOW!!! and i thought the place i was staying at is expensive

we pay rent - $350 rent

phone/broadband - $100ish month

power - 140-200 month depending on how cold it is

food 150 week and we eat like kings with food for lunch included

everything is thirded equally except phone if we make toll calls etc

the last place i lived at was $140 a week for absolutly everything, was 4 of us with broadband, awesome food, really nice house with wiked double garage for working on cars

we need more responible people out there like you, I think.
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