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what a load of rubbish


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A friend told me last night that he over heard some people looking at some Killis in the Bird Barn and commenting that its a pity they only live a year... I cant belive how ill-informed some people are.

most annuals will have a shorter life span although I have some that are over 18 months old but non-annuals will live for ages. I have a few that are over 2 years old and I expect them to live for another year or 2 yet

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Its still not a very long time though even for the ones that are not annuals - but then some tetra are like that too. I cant see LFS's putting signs up saying "these fish only live 1/2/3 years".

As for killis, even if they dont live long, I would think part of the fascination of them is breeding them to continue. I have often thought of getting in to killifish as i think they are beautiful, but alas - cant do it all.

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perhaps it would be fairer to say, not alot of small fishes live more than 3 years. If you were looking at small community fishies most of the tetras, livebearers, barbs, danios etc only have short lifespans too, non-annual killies seem to be the same as other fish their size.

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The couple really like the look of the killies standing in front of there tank for some time, but then didn't give them another look after the comment "but they only live for a year". I find it sad because they are missing out on some very cool fish.

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I'd have to answer that statement with the title of this thread "what a lot of rubbish" - there are tons of fish that live beyond three years.

yes and an equal amount that dont

so I too quote the thread topic

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yes and an equal amount that dont

so I too quote the thread topic

If you just meant killifish I retract my comment but if you meant "in general" I disagree as there are a lot of fish that live beyond 3 years. Most cichlids, most catfish, a good number of barbs, plenty of gouramies, the list goes on.

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do you want to start a list of those that dont live long as well or should we both be selective.

I fail to even see why your taking part in this as I have put it in the Killi area and you dont have killis and dont seem to have much interest in them or you would understand exactly what I am saying.

Ill-informed people with very little knowledge in Killis make stupid statements about things they know very little about... That was the thrust of my thread

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do you want to start a list of those that dont live long as well or should we both be selective.

I fail to even see why your taking part in this as I have put it in the Killi area and you dont have killis and dont seem to have much interest in them or you would understand exactly what I am saying.

Ill-informed people with very little knowledge in Killis make stupid statements about things they know very little about... That was the thrust of my thread

I know that was the thrust of your thread and if you read my first comment you would see your remark above is quite incorrect. I am interested in killis, and am positive in my attitude towards them. Whilst I dont have any now I have kept them in the past. I agree with you that mis-information is troublesome but would suggest that to make the comment that "there is not a lot of fish that live past 3 years old" is as stupid and ill-informed a statement (when referring to fish in general as I thought you were) as the comment of killifish in particular only living to one year old that seemed to cause you sufficient offence that you wrote a thread about it.

For some reason Barrie, it seems you are getting your knickers in a twist for no reason. So let me clarify things; - I like killifish. I have an ongoing interest in them, having kept them in the past (aphyosemion australes in fact). I would like to keep them again but cannot keep everything I want to. I agree it is frustrating that people make ill-informed comments (whether its about killifish or cichlids or marine fish or fish 'in general' or anything at all). I thought your comment that "not a lot of fish live past 3 years old" referred to fish in general. If it did, I still disagree with you, though Im not interested into counting how many do and how many don't - the fish I mentioned were stated as an example to illustrate that there are in fact plenty of fish that live beyond three years. Thats all there is to it so lets not get all stroppy about it eh ?

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Oh for crying out loud.

Of the hundreds of people that did read his thread - everyone (well almost so it seems) seemed to automatically know that his comment referred to killifish - you know... given that its in the killifish section and all, and a huge range of killifish are annuals. and given the term "annual" meaning year and all - it doesn't take a nuclear physicist to put 2 and 2 together.

That coupled with the fact that he talked about how people were misinformed about killies living only for a year doesn't really leave much to the imagination.

Trot on Barrie.

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Oh for crying out loud.

Of the hundreds of people that did read his thread - everyone (well almost so it seems) seemed to automatically know that his comment referred to killifish - you know... given that its in the killifish section and all, and a huge range of killifish are annuals. and given the term "annual" meaning year and all - it doesn't take a nuclear physicist to put 2 and 2 together.

That coupled with the fact that he talked about how people were misinformed about killies living only for a year doesn't really leave much to the imagination.

Trot on Barrie.

Oh for crying out loud - :roll: do you really have to add fuel to the fire !?


"Its still not a very long time though even for the ones that are not annuals - but then some tetra are like that too. I cant see LFS's putting signs up saying "these fish only live 1/2/3 years". As for killis, even if they dont live long, I would think part of the fascination of them is breeding them to continue. I have often thought of getting in to killifish as i think they are beautiful, but alas - cant do it all."


there is not a lot of fish that live past the 3 year old

My remark about 1/2/3 years was about fish in general (the preceding comment about tetra would have indicated I was generalising - it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work that out)

As I stated, I thought Barries reply to my message was also in "general" context hence why I said I disagreed.

I have to say, phoenix, you making a post like yours just adds unnecessary fuel to fire what has been completely misinterpreted and taken out of context. Now give it up.

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funny how only you, once again, and im losing count now - took it upon yourself to turn a perfectly nice thread and turn it into an argument.

not only that, and i bet my left one here - anyone in their right mind will agree that your first comment stating what barrie said was " a load of rubbish" was downright rude.

*Leaves to do something more productive.

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funny how only you, once again, and im losing count now - took it upon yourself to turn a perfectly nice thread and turn it into an argument.

not only that, and i bet my left one here - anyone in their right mind will agree that your first comment stating what barrie said was " a load of rubbish" was downright rude.

*Leaves to do something more productive.

You really are making a mountain out of a molehill aren't you ! I did not turn the thread into an argument - its people like you who pick up on the slightest disagreement and sensationalise it with your muck-stirring comments that turn things into arguments. Everyone is allowed to have a different opinion and to state it. I thought Barrie was replying to my general comment about fish ages when he said not many fish live beyond 3 years hence why i said (somewhat amusingly or so it was meant since it was stealing the title of the thread) what i did. And anyone who believes that there are not a lot of fish (in general) that live beyond three years, quite frankly, is a moron. Just because this is a killi forum, does not mean that a post cannot branch out - or do you only think in such a narrow minded way about everything ?

Have the last word if you want to - I wont reply any further. I have explained what I meant and it has been you who has chosen to stir things up and make a personal attack on me. I suggest you go look at your lovely dem/yellows tank which I have made several complimentary posts on your thread about. It might help you to relax. It seems at the moment you only want to hear things if they fall in with what you think is right and no-one (or me specifically maybe) can have a different opinion.

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