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How many tanks?


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not many :wink:

1 x 450 litre planted discus tank

1 x 250 Litre male fighters tank

4 X 100 litre fighter grow out tanks

5 x 60 litre fighter growout tanks

4 X 15-20 litre fighter breeding tanks

1 X 100 litre guppy feeder breeding tanks

1 x 400 litre short fin eel tank

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Guys! I'm kinda ashamed of us. We combined have enough water to support a small country, or to breed hippos in.

I have:

2 x 20l

1 x 90l

1 x 80l

2 x 150l

1 x 150l + 80l sump marine

and about 600l worth of snail breeding outside.

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LOl yes I think ciculating volume is close to 6-6500 litres.

LOL @ LA...a small city water resevour does NOT count as a tank

LOL at Barrie every man has his weekness Barrie mine is the blonde in CHUCK and no killies.

Hope to cure both one day...lol

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i've got 6 running:

250l juvi angels, clown loaches, and a redspot pleco

240l community tank of male guppies/platys, corys, drawf gouramis, siamese algae eater and 2x gold nugget plecs (with at least one more to come - they are so cool :D)

170l split tank - 2x nearly breeding angels (they keep eating the eggs - hoping they wlll learn not too)

65l split tank for guppies and platys (breeding)

50l quarantine - holding 17 juvi golden bristlenoses :o

50l growout tank - currently full of platys and guppies

Have the stand for another that will sit right beside the 240l so the whole wall will be a fish tank - people who haven't seem our lounge ask where exactly we sit cause all of the tanks except the 170l are in there :o

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