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do u need to turn your tank heaters up in the winter


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hi my tanks are sitting on abotu 24-25 i had heaters on 26 but since its been so cold they are on a lot

should i put them both on 28?

on tanks is about 60 litre and heater is 55 what aqua one

and other tank is 150 wat 90 litre

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they are aqua one ones from memory the temp is goin up maybe the 55 watt one is too small but i think i always had my tanks around 25 and the other one 27 put them up a bit over 2 days its very cold here hehe

im just about sittin on top of the gas heater

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I never change the temp in my tanks. But then, in winter here I have to turn my heat on (electric heat). Now in the what I'll call transition periods between winter/summer and vice versa I might see my heater come on a bit more because it is just not cold enough for me to turn my heat source up.


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If your heater is big enough there is no need to turn it up at all. It is controlled by a thermostat that switches on and off to control the temperature of the water regardless of the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature drops the heater will be on more because of more heat loss from the water.

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they are workin ok i might get a bigger one if i have problems always good to keep one for a spare

i noticed with the aqua one the degrees drops a bit

i also got digital temp things are they very accuate


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the 55 watt one is not doin what it should its on all the time and i turned it up

the tank is about 60 litres but thats a guess, so should i get 100 watt or 150 i got a 150 in my 90 litre and its same brand and that goes on and off

ALSO my 25 watt one in the baby tank is staynig on too so i will put this one in there and see !

see what happens when you buy cheapo stuff :bounce:

and the heater that has lasted 13 yrs is a jager 300 watt i think, i got it from a pet shop years ago and it was second hand then !

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the 55 watt one is not doin what it should its on all the time and i turned it up

the tank is about 60 litres but thats a guess, so should i get 100 watt or 150 i got a 150 in my 90 litre and its same brand and that goes on and off

ALSO my 25 watt one in the baby tank is staynig on too so i will put this one in there and see !

see what happens when you buy cheapo stuff :bounce:

and the heater that has lasted 13 yrs is a jager 300 watt i think, i got it from a pet shop years ago and it was second hand then !

Sounds like both heaters are doing exactly what they should be, you just bought too small ones.

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they were both 2 months old, but i should of got bigger ones, hopefully the 55 watt one will be ok for the 22 litre tank they are fine in the summer just not when its cold like this i will get a few more, dont hurt to have a few spares either !!

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A good guideline for heaters is 1.5 watts per litre so 100 watts for a 60 litre would be fine. A 50 watt for a 60 litre tank will stretch the heater if the weather is cold. For large tanks two heaters or more are a good idea as you then have a back up.

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If the heaters are on all the time they are too small. If you wind the temperature up they can't get any hotter than on all the time so the only thing that will happen is that you will cook your fish when the ambient temperature increases and the heat loss from the tank decreases. Get bigger heaters and set them for the temperature that you want.

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I think its 60 litre the heater is just going up to 27 thats ok but its staying on its 55 watt so 100 watt for that one?

the 150 watt in my 90 litre is fine

and will the 55 watt for the 22 litre be ok should be aye

thanks again

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got 100 one auqa one heater 22 bucks and its going on and off like it should lady said lots of ppl in there buying them as its so cold

i see if my 55 watt one is ok for the 22 litre tank i dont really feel like buying another one for that and 100 watt prob fry them poor babies

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now as you most know, techinical (along with many other things) I am not! Please bare with me, I know what I want to say here but as usual what I'm thinking and what comes out of my mouth (in this case types) could be entirely different!

But, if you have a heater in your tank set at, say 24C when the tank water drops below...the heater comes on till the 24 is reached, correct? So, if you have your heater turned up to say 26C, the heater is going to come on till THAT temp is reached, right? Surpasing the 24, wouldn't it?

So, if your heater is coming on more often (that is if heater is working ok) does it matter what temp it is set at because it's just going to come on anyway when the temp drops????

Soooo, wouldn't you only need to consider a bigger heater if your heater is constantly coming on no matter what temp you set it at????

Oh geesh, I don't know if I said what I wanted :oops: :oops:


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I got a 100 watt one for my 60 litre tank and put the 55 watt in the 22 litre tank

And keep the 25 watt one as a spare!!!!!

a lot of ppl i have asked who have fish have said theres sturggle in the winter

god in the summer i had to open the lids of my tanks they were getting up 32 degrees !

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