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RES turtle's basking light

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I've decided that i'm going to get one RES turtle. My plan is to get a 4x2x2foot tank.

But with the basking lamp, What type of light bulb do i need to get? I've had a look around and saw some $70 ones. Is there anything that still does the right job but costs less? I realise i might have to get the $70 ones but just checking if i can do it cheaper.

Also, i'm going to have a light over the rest of the tank. Does this one need to be a UVA/UVB ? As my turtle won't be going outside much (only in summer, while supervised)

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yep just go to bunnings buy a clip on desk lamp (about $10-20) and use that for the basking light, they take upto 60watt standard houshold bulb.

reptile fluro will set you back a bit more but a must have really.

Yep completely agree with Mincie. :bow: Initial cost of light a bit expensive, but suss out a local 'electrical /supply /warehouse' type place and get bulbs way cheaper. Even get a plain fleuro light, then get the UVA/UVB bulb from a wholesaler. I use "lamp specialists" here in CHCH and pay $25.00 each for most of my bulbs. (was $20, but gone up recently). really important...I've seen way too many turtles with 'white shell disease' or soft shell disease with out correct lighting. :-?

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A heatlamp over the basking area is good as well for the first couple of years. Keep the top open so they can dry their shell. A tank with a lid will create 100% humidity.

...and the humidity can cause the 'skin' over the 'bone' (which is what their shell is) to rot off leaving the bone exposed. (Check out photo of BOY 2 in sick turtle thread....sorry I cant post photos on the forum yet :roll: ) Also leads to respiratory problems like pneumonia. So a tank with no lids or minimal lid over a small area is needed along with the lights :) And lights must be direct on turtle, not filtered thru glass, perspex or anything else. :D

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I would use a 4 foot fluro with reptile tube and a heat lamp with ceramic fitting, a bit more expensive than the bunning lamps but well worth it, for basking spot I use 100w spots that cost $1.00 at bunnings

Also if you get the tank made you should have a look at the baskingspots that stick on, I used to have the glass ramps built in and they can damage their shells on them, now I use either driftwood or the floating ramps for all my turtle tanks

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