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whats best to feed newly hatched betta fry


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what is the best food to feed newly hatched fry, i have a a pair in the process of breeding now. i have brine shrimp, microworms, blood worms. ive heard of green water is that better?


I use that Liqufry food for egg layers and once they are free swimming start with a mix of microworms and decap brine shrip, seems to have worked very well. I have read that having plants in the tank is beneficial to the fry who eat the "bugs" same as having snails in the tank. They love mosquito larve also once they get bit bigger. Good luck and experiment with different things as there are several ways to "skin a cat".

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ive been told to make my tank a bare bottom tank for breeding coz other wise the eggs get lost in the gravel. so how do i put plants in it?

i have 5 females, one that is marbled up she is in with my lovely blue VT, he made a HUGE nest overnight, shes bared up, but still running away from him. im hoping something happens in next two days. other wise shes back with the rest of the girls.

i have got a 22L tank where my blue VT male lives. can i put the 5 females in there with him to live?

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i am looking forward to the babies. she isnt fully coloured herself yet, has red fins, but i think i saw some blue on her body. so should be good.

where do i get "Green water" ? i have brine shrimp eggs to hatch, and blood worms, and just getting a microworm culture going, i have been told infursior (dont know spelling at all) is good too. but dont know how to make or get some. anyone help me out?


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from what i can understand infrosia is green water (could be wrong) heard the best way is to put a lettice leaf in a jar and leave it in the sun, but it takes a few weeks, but personally ive got my turtle tank next to a window and her tank greens up within a few days

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do not need to bother too much about making green water, any aquatic plant putting in breeding tank will produce sort of algae, which equal green water, will be the best food for fries for first three days, after that you know what to do :D .

fries grow very fast, they do not need too much green water, but two benefits of green water is working on Amonia and nitrite and nitrate in tank, and produce O2.

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ive got FRY!!! wooohoooo. they look so awesome, they look like tiny tadpoles. my boy had orignally had 90% of the eggs under a leaf, then moved them out to the nest, then last night he moved them all back to the leaf and they are under there now. must be about 100 easy. hope heaps live. they look cool and not all sinking either. some fall a few cms then swim back to the top. thats good. poor dad fish looks frazzled. he will be glad when he comes out. when do i take him out and when do i feed them brineshrimp,bloodworms and microworms?

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ive just read that too many brine shrimp cause swimbladder diease. i havent made my microworm culture yet. im doing it today, i thought id have more time. how long do they take to grow?

can i feed bloodworms to freeswimming fry?

hubby thought maybe puree them. would that work??


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Forget the blood worms until they are waaaay bigger. green water is infusoria but also contains some microbes containing chlorophyl--hence the green colour. If you have nothing ready best to go to the pet shop today and buy liquafry for egg layers. Only start feeding a little and often but not until the fry are free swimming. Until then they are feeding on the yolk sac. In a couple of weeks you can start adding brine shrimp nuplii. The NZ stuff is dearer but smaller and can be fed along with infusoria (green water or liquafry) almost imediately. The imported stuff you can start adding in a couple of weeks. Keep the air above the tank warm and moist and keep the water level down low.

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what do you mean by "brine shrimp nuplii" ?? i have brine shrimp eggs i was gonna hatch is that what u mean? the guy at pet shop gave it to me to hatch.

if my pet shop dont have liquafry, what else caN I FEED in three days time? thanks

i kinda didnt expect them to spawn when they did, it was her last day in there id kinda given up on them.

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Egg yolk will polute the tank very quickly if you use too much and too much is a very small amount. If the brineshrimp eggs are NZ ones feed them when hatched. Newly hatched brine shrimp are nuplii where they feed on a yolk sac and have no mouth parts or anus, they then grow into baby brine shrimp and are not as good in food value.

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im guessing they are NZ ones, coz the pet shop owner gave them to be in a little sealable container. not in packaging like the ones on TRADEME. ive jst bought some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, hopefully ill get them next week. ill get my brine shrimp up hatching tomorrow when i get some rock salt. i read that i need to put salt in the water. do i HAVE to??


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Its a lot easier to use sea water to hatch brine shrimp. Would be worth the effort of going and collecting it in a large container. I collect 40 litres every couple of weeks. Hatch rate much better.

Of course it may not be possible for you.

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