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Best way to filter and heat a 20cm Cube?


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I'm soon setting up a 20cm cube for a a small group of Reed tetras, maybe 4-5ish, Its only 8ish liters so i know I'll need frequent water changes.

Biggest concern is Heating, I've got a 25W heater but its quite big, I've seen smaller ones in small display tanks at the lfs.

Any ideas?

And For filtration i was thinking I'll just make a small filter on top like the small jebo tanks etc or a under gravel filter?

Or any other ideas?

And I'm using a 23W energy saving bulb for the light

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sounds like it'll be a nice tank. by 20cm cube do you mean, that is the volume of the tank, or that each side is 20cm (lxbxh)?

ive seen those small heaters too, 25W or something like that.. work pretty well. a small hang on filter (should be able to get a secondhand one cheap as) would work well, or even a sponge filter can do.

make sure you borrow a camera and post pics!!! :lol:

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or a group of Epiplatys annulatus

Clowns tend to hang around the surface most of the time, CPD's would be nice, but these tend to hide in the bushes a lot...

Just chuck a sponge filter in.

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Was seriously considering it.

The only reason i didnt was the price.

I don't know why you keep fish, you're obviously not concerned about their welfare if you won't provide good filtration for them!

I have some 25w jebo heaters, they're quite small. How small are you looking for? They're about 20cm long, and normal heater thickness.

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