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Underwater Photos from Vanuatu


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Well as you may or may not know i've just retuned from a 2 week dive holiday in Vanuatu. This makes my 2nd trip to dive Vanuatu and I must be getting close to having made over 100 dives on coral reefs in various parts of the world.

Also returned to Havanh Harbour where the latest series of Survivor was filmed.

So what did I learn for the home reef tank?

1. Water temprature changes are more rapid than you read in books, with shifts as much as 4 degress across the reef (in one dive from as low as 24 to as high 27). This is something I have commented on inthe past. Interestingly night time never effected the temprature of the same spot.

2. It is always calmer at night early morning than during the day and late afternoon.

3. hard corals like Acropora are often mixed in with softcorals like Sacrophytons, often almost touching. However they are never very close to softies like Dentrinitus (sp?) and the more frilly types.

4. The most commong staghorn coral colour is brown, followed by blue, followed by Purple, Yellow. Some hard corals have solid colours, many have coloured tips. No green, anywhere...

5. Some parts of the reefs are teaming with fish, others are barren with only a few small fish.

6. Daylight is over 14 hrs long. but most intense for 10-11 of that time.

Acropora grows close to the surface (sometimes exposed at low tide) to as low as the 45m max depth reef dive I did on this trip. Doesn't seem to worry what depth, or current for that matter, its everywhere, bright light, low light, as long as there is light.

Anyway just some interesting stuff for discussion perhapps?

Some photos:

SS President Coolidge - Even after 60 years underwater there is stuff about this boat.


Bicolour Angel.


A fairly common site.


Every colour under the sun. Often seen in many corals the largest colonies seem to only exist in these porities corals.




Aquascaping ideas?


I want one!


These things are huge, poisonous, distructive yet so pretty...


Million Dollar Point is an American created scrap heap. A great but disterbing dive and evidence about how little the americans care(cared?) for what they do to other countries.


Best left on the reef, not many people have success with this cool fish.


Macro shots galore.


Cool crabs living in the corals.


Lots o fish on the top of the bridge of the SS President Coolidge.


Extreme cameraman action, willing to put his life on the line to get the shot...


My Yasur volcano on Tanna - Vanuatu. Words cannot describe how much force is needed to sends tonnes of rock hundreds of feet into the air. WOW.



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Boy you can go off some people! :lol:

Great pics as usual pies.

I have always said temperature wasn't so important when doing water changes (in tropical tanks anyway, I know nothing about marines) as you look at goldfish in a pond...they lie in the sun on the surface until something frightens them and they dive down deep. You all know there is a big temperature difference between the surface and the bottom of the pond, more so the deeper they are.

I know one fishkeeper who has bred many fish over the years always does his tropical tank water changes with cold water only and he changes 50% at a time. When I bought my Africans the breeder said he did the same and refilled them straight from the garden hose (lucky us who have no chlorine added). I have done it here and the fish play in the current of cold water.

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Do you know if those porities corals are available here in NZ??

Yip, the encrusting species often come with the christmas tree worms as well.

Hardly ever come in ChCh though. The importers down here don't like importing "SPS" corals, which is a shame.

Cool pics Pies, that acro looks really nice!


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I just had a look at prices, Looks like it'd cost me(Ignoring that it's not available here) about $45/month more plus a $250 setup fee. That's for the Surf flatrate plan because I KNOW I'd go over 3 gigs/month. And that would require me changing to Xtra. If I stayed with Paradise that'd be about $85/month more.

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