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Water changes


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most of us just siphon water out and pour it back in with a bucket or from the hose....

I would guess that most of the people here that have been doing it forever don't worry about putting cold water into a tropical tank (the fish seem to like it, and there is more risk in putting water that is too hot in)

Does that help?

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What Stella said but I add a little bit of hot water to the bucket of cold water to try and get the temp as close to 25 degrees as possible.

I do this only for my smaller tanks, but for the big tank I just get the water straight from the hose.

I use tank water so it's not that vital that I use a water conditioner before adding water to the aquarium.

You should get a mod to delete your other post on this subject in the freshwater section.

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most of us just siphon water out and pour it back in with a bucket or from the hose....

I would guess that most of the people here that have been doing it forever don't worry about putting cold water into a tropical tank (the fish seem to like it, and there is more risk in putting water that is too hot in)

Does that help?

I siphon out the door(Sometimes add some extra hose to it to water the garden, fill up buckets, etc) and then connect another hose to a sink and refill. Then I keep an eye on the thermometer, if it's too hot I turn the cold water up, if it's too cold I turn the cold water down. Easy.:)

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I'm also a siphon out/bucket in kind of gal :D

I either syphon the water into a bucket and use it to water the garden (which unfortunately is on the other side of the house so I leave a trail of drips on the floor...) or I syphon it straight out the window nearest the tank. Gave the neighbour's cat a nasty fright the other day - I didn't know she was sleeping under the tree outside the window! :o

Then I fill a bucket with tap water, add some water conditioner to remove chlorine, and top up the tank one bucket at a time. The process is simple enough and once you get into a routine it's really not a bother at all IMO.

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I syphon mine out using the garden hose onto the garden and then refill it from the tap once again using the hose. I put the aqua plus water conditioner straight into the tank.

What I do have to remember to do though, is keep checking to make sure the tank isn't overflowing.

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A little but often.

Healthy fish will pretty much take a lot of disruption in their stride. If you keep up a regimented routine where you are doing small water changes often with a little gravel vac as opposed to a big percentage change every now and then I think you'll find your fish will not stress to much. The length of your hose is none of my concern, nor that of your fish. :wink:

As is often said here- We keep water not fish. It just happens that there are some fish in our water.

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As is often said here- We keep water not fish. It just happens that there are some fish in our water.

You know, that's so true. I see so many questions and answers here that go 'I've got *** wrong with my fish' inevitabily, the answer is 'do a water change, and another 1 tomorrow'.

If we keep our water in good condition, we'll keep our fish in good condition.

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That is so The Truth.

I only really consciously realised it recently (hence the sig line :))

In IT the usual answer is "turn it off and then on again"

In fishkeeping it is "do more waterchanges"

Waterchanges are a hassle, but so much better than the stress of sick/dying fish.

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firenzenz wrote:

The length of your hose is none of my concern, nor that of your fish
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have 2 Marina Aquavacs that I use on the (2) 29 gallon tanks. I could still kiss my son Ryan for buying me the first one for Christmas a couple of years ago :bounce: :bounce: They attach directly to the tap. Unfortunately I have to use my kitchen sink. But it gets a good dose of bleach and a good scrubbing afterwards. My 10 gallon upstairs I just use vac and bucket.

I try to do weekly changes but for different reasons have gone beyond that but mostly done weekly.

I take out the water, put dechlorinator in, and then the fresh water gets added. As I said previously, for the aquavacs I keep an eye on the thermometer and touch the tap to see that what's going in isn't too hot or too cold. When adding back into my 10 gallon, just add some hot water till the cold chill is gone.

During the weekly water changes I do a "light" vacuuming around, meaning I don't move things (or try not to knock them down :o :lol: ). The monthly cleaning is reserved for a really good vacuuming/cleaning.


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