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hi from me to u


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My name is Alana and i live in Chch. I have one tropical tank with a whole range of fishies - albino barbs, albino cory,f and m bettas, neon and glowlight tetras, platy and dwarf gourami.

i also have a 20l with baby bettas in it that are two weeks old. hopefully these little guys will last so that i can sell them to buy more tank products ie another better filter and a heater so i can set up another tank (that i already have)........

my other pets are my baby dog Misty and her mate Bear(both staffy x's) my cat Nuggles and his sister Muffin. I used to have rats and would actually love to get back into them......

thats about it for me...

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Hi Alana, welcome to the NZ Fishroom.. glad you could join us.

Heaps of members here from down your way, and you may even know a few.

Be nice to see some pics of your fish if you have some... they sound great, and it sounds as though you have got the Betta fry over the first hurdles.

You can use the Trading Area here if you need to look for filters and stuff for your extra tank.

The gang will be along shortly to say hello, and there is quite a crowd in the Chat Room on an evening around 9:30pm if you want to meet a few :)

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thanks guys, I have registered with other forums and it took me ages to find this one......i am registered also with Aquarium & Tropical Fish Keeping Hobbyists, Tropical Fish Centre(uk), also with an Australian Betta Forum, and now this one.......

maybe now i can get some info from those in Chch about where they get their stuff from etc......


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i went to redwood the other day - found a dead fish in their tank (it happens) but he didnt seem that keen on getting rid of it asap also i didnt like the tiny tanks they were keeping their bettas in but besides that it was a nice place, where would this other place...organsim.... be found?

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