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Filter working or not?


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Hi everyone not sure if you remember me :-?

Anyway I was all keen to set up a tropical tank and then got sidetracked by life which happens oh well things worked out. :-?

I’ve ended up just getting two goldfish (Yuyu and Yortz) which seem to be happy little guys and I’ve grown fond if them, they have real spunk as my mother said. :lol:

My question is about filters. I’ve used the hang of the back kind of filter in the past (it worked really well but was too noisy) and now I’m using a submersible filter but it just doesn’t seem to work. When I open it to clean it it’s not really that dirty and I’m wondering if it’s even doing its job.

My tank is 100L and I’m using a Fluval 3 plus filter that I clean out every two weeks. The tank gets a 20% water change ever week and once a month I take a bit more water out. There is also a air stone and about 6 plants in the tank.

Can anyone suggest a better filter keeping in mind that it needs to be very quiet (tank is in the bedroom) or even tell me I’m mad and the filter is working I don’t mind. Just want to make sure.

Thanks everyone

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You must remember that the main job of a filter is not filtering muck out of the tank, but letting the bacteria that accumulate in the filter do what they are supposed to do and convert the invisible nasties (Ammonia & Nitrites etc) into invisible goodies! )If ive got the names wrong please put me right :))

I would suggest doing some water quality checks and if they come out all good, then it looks like your filter is doing its job!

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Some filters need less cleaning than others and depending on the fish and plant load, won't get that dirty. My filter has just been cleaned for the first time in over 12 months. I see no need to clean a filter until the return water flow slows down.

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I've recently found out (thanks to the lovely and helpful people on this site) that you don't actually need a filter or even air stone/oxygen flow for a tank. I have a 40 litre tank set up in my room and was also concerned about noise of filters and pumps etc. but it's not required so long as the balance of ammonia/nitrate etc. is right for the fish. The only thing I have plugged in for the tank is heater (as I have tropicals but you wouldn't need that for goldfish) and light for plants (which you may be also able to do without if your room is light enough).

2 goldfish in a 100 litre tank should be ok for this set up - give it a go :)

Just make sure you do regular small water changes and you should be right.

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I share a bedroom with a Jebo 508 hang on filter and mine's quite quiet. In fact the soft sound of the water trickling back into the tank puts me to sleep!

The only noise that bothers me is the silver dollars thrashing around at night.

Stu :)

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I put a sponge filter sponge over the inlet of my canister filter, stops all the muck going into the filter and clogging it. I just removed the sponge and rinse it every week when I do the waterchanges.

Ideally the filter should hardly ever need cleaning.

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