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Don't you hate it when...


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...You have a full line of washing (sheets in my case) and a flock of birds flies over depositing great splashes of bright purple poo all over the clean wash! At least I hope it was a flock, hate to think a single bird could deposit that much! :evil:

They managed to hit every sheet! :roll:

At least it is hot and sunny so it won't take long to dry them again after they come out of the machine for the second time. 31C at the moment. I was going to mow the lawns but think I will wait until evening.

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its almost impossible for pigeons to deposit why flying as their leggs tuck up into that cavity... Pigeons have to stop midair and put their legs down first so normally they wait untill they have landed

Just a bit of useless information for you incase the finger was being pointed

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I don't think angels need to relieve themselves do they? :o

Had to wash the sheets again, twice, and even after using Bio Luvil there are still some marks left.

Not sure what they had been eating or whether the splats changed colour thanks to the blue sheets and the original droppings were actually red. Plenty of red berries around and flowers :roll:

Haven't ever seen a pigeon stop in midair :lol:

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Well, they say that Mod=Warren: Implied swearing removed happens :roll:

LOL this was even funnier after mod intervention!

I made the mistake of setting up my tent under a plum tree one summer. The wood pigeons had a feast... and the tent was never the same again.

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