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Wheel Clamping


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Barrie, when I was working in a rural area there was a farmer who found someone having a picnic on his farm without asking. Took the rego, tracked their address and had a picnic on their front lawn on the following weekend.

I think the cops were lucky getting a successfull prosocution. After spending many years working as a litter officer and going through piles of rubbish to track who it belonged to it was Edit -Billaney frustrating to turn up at court and be told by the judge that we had proven whose rubbish it was but not who put it there. The offence is puting it there. Sometimes the law is a donkey/horse cross.

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:hail: Its their carpark, they can do as they please with it. If I owned a large carpark I'd be pretty pissed if people were using it to spend money at another store...

Is it? I can't see why it is outrageous, when you consider the cost of hiring the clamping guy, the lost opportunity cost of not having a parking space available for customers wanting to shop at the supermarket etc. Again, its their carpark and they should be able to do as they please.

I don't blame him, I know a few tow truck drivers and having an attitude is pretty much part of the job. Its not like most people caught say "fair call, you got me, I was breaking the rules", if you had to deal with people whinging and making up petty excuses every day you'd get sick of it too.

Contradict much?

In short, if you don't like it then don't break the rules. I can't stand people who moan about parking tickets, speeding tickets, etc etc. At the end of the day you were doing something you shouldn't have been and you got caught, so deal with it and suffer the consequences...

Yeah I am with you on this one. And surely any halfwit knows that the supermarket's free carpark is only for use when you are shopping at the supermarket, sign or no sign. If the sign is inadequate, sure that's a pity but does anyone actually park in the supermarket carpark to shop elsewhere and stop to check their signs?

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In short, if you don't like it then don't break the rules. I can't stand people who moan about parking tickets, speeding tickets, etc etc. At the end of the day you were doing something you shouldn't have been and you got caught, so deal with it and suffer the consequences...

I agree fair cop, we all know where we can park and where we can't, same all over the country you don't need signage to remind you. You speed you pay! As for parking tickets, I know people in Wgtn who choose not to pay for all day parking cos the cost is just about as the parking ticket. But if I am "spending" my hard earned money in Wanganui and am held up in the shop by other "shoppers" and assistants and then make it back to my car late and find a parking ticket (Xmas 2007, people, rivers run deep) then that is a pain *to say the least) after all, weren't parking spaces created for the "shoppers" to park in, not for council revenue.

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I'm with DavidR on this one. The carpark is owned by the supermarket and they pay a huge amounts in rates etc so are well within their rights.

I bike everywhere, no need to find a parking space :wink:

Our local NW has a McDs in the corner of the carpark. The supermarket as a bike stand outside it plus McDs also has a bike stand. The supermarket stand doesn't have any signage and the other day when I arrived it was full so I parked my bike at the McD's stand. I did wonder, since their stand has a notice saying it was for McD customers only, what they would do about it and whether they clamped bikes :lol:

If I returned from my shopping to find McDs had removed my bike, or clamped it in some way, and demanded a fine to release my bike it would be a fair cop. I would be annoyed but they would be within their rights. I felt very guilty for parking in their bike stand since I wasn't using their services (I often use their loo too) but it didn't stop me from doing it :roll:

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i know how you feel rox, its just like getting a ticket for having an expired meter outside the doctors because the doc was running late. but id rather pay the small fine than having my car clamped if i was to park at the mall or new world (which are the only places with free parking in the area).

if its the same new world im thinking of they have plenty of signage as does the mall.

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They charge $280 to unclamp,

so what they are saying is if you don't shop here and you are just use the car park as a park to shop some were els you have to pay $280 for the time you are there.

i think i will stick with Wilson car parking it a lot cheaper lol

$280...heh, Take the wheel off and leave it there, new wheel and tire would likely be less than that.:P

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