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On a brighter note....


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Yeah, I agree that it looks like the mid/bottom dwellers are worse hit. That clown looks like his gills have collapsed or been eaten. Doubt it's viral or bacterial to hit that fast and not attack all the fish, and you also said you didn't see anything on the smears, so it does look like it's some sort of chemical reaction. I just wonder if it's causing a change the the chemical make up of the slime coat, effectively making the slime coat eat the fish. That explains the eyes and collapsed gills. I'm sure I've read about it before, I'll have a dig and see what I can find.

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water change done too... they are much better now. im just about to do another 50% water change or so.

so now that i can get new fish i was thinking of 4 small borneo tigers and a delhizi - growing them up as big as they can in this tank and then passing them on...

disease looks pretty ranky huh? the smell was terrible too. :o

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Sometimes plotting future tank stuff can really help with feeling positive about the hobby again after a serious blow like this.

Certainly after my disastrous kokopu issue recently, I found thinking about what to do next helped. INstead of the tank looking horribly empty, I can now imagine it bouncing around with bullies and the one big kokopu can lurk in there for much longer alone than with four friends....

That will be realised on Tuesday when I move the tanks into my new home.... still feeling nervous about the whole thing - such a big job!

Phoenix, glad things are beginning to settle and you can see the positives. Nasty looking disease :(

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Thanks Stella!

That is exactly what I am doing.... i think with my new busier schedule and with my upcoming 4th year of uni - i will be able to handle a few fish better than a mass of fish as i have had in the past. so still looking at sourcing 6 pictus's , a delhizi and a few borneo tigers.

I will put the remaining tetras on here once i am sure there is no disease left at all - and those that cannot be caught can just stay in the tank until whenever.

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Sad about the fish...

Been reading the posts and have to say...

a) when some species are affected more than others is more likely to be pathogen. Environmental conditions tend to hit all species, thats one of the rules of thumb in investigating fish kills.

b) the opacity in the eye probably is just representative of the fish dying...the eyes are clear only because cellular integrity is maintained in a healthy living fish, when that goes, either because of severe disease or death then water penetrates the eye structures and causes cloudiness and opacity.

c) the hole in the side of the fish sure looks like infection to me, not a chemical reaction. You cant comment on the gills because the operculum is intact and covering them.

d) as has been pointed out - the primary cause of the problem needs to be ascertained as primary pathogens are extremely rare in domestic aquaria - unless new fish have been introduced without quarantine.

Just a few thoughts...I wouldn't get too tied up working through the chemical reaction scenario

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well no.. im not going brackish. but having said that.. my tanks always get a whalloping of salt in them. so the fish SHALL be happy ha ha...

all the fish are from animates in palmy. ive been waiting for orange chromides (indian cichlids) to come back on the supplier list, so when they did we ordered in 12. ive asked for some more puffers in as well and when they come in i shall get them too. :roll:

ill see how the puffers go... but years ago i had huge figure 8's in the same sort of freshwater with a lot of salt in it (but not quite brackish) and they were huge and healthy as. that is until they poisoned my acaras, :evil: and got the boot.

im not sure about the spotted puffer, ill recharge the camera battery and put a pic up under another thread if you like. they are v. small... only like 3 -4 cm long.

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hmmm.... maybe ill see if i can get those in then.. they look nice..

ive been doing a lot of reading on the net after you told me about the green spot puffer... you'd think the least a green spot puffer can have is green spots... but no.. they have to be black spots :lol:

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